chapter 20

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[week 20]

i am about to climb out of the window but jimin says, "stop."

"i'm just going to visit yoongi." i say.

"stop." jimin says.

"why..?" i say.

"it's not good for your health." jimin says.

"oh, don't give me that bullshit." i say.

jimin grabs my arm and says, "don't."

"no–" i say.

"or i'll tell seokjin that you've been leaving your hospital bed–" jimin says.

"fine!" i yell.

jimin smirks and says, "knew it."

after chatting with jimin for a while, someone knocks on the door.

"come in." i say.

seokjin comes in and says, "did you tell him?" looking at jimin.

"not now, jin." jimin says.

"tell him now." jin says.

"no!" jimin says.

"fine, i'll tell him." jin says.

"no!" jimin says.

"what is going on! i'm tired of you two keeping secrets from me!" i yell.

"well, it's something about t–" seokjin says.

"–ea! green tea! it's healthy for you! you should drink it!" jimin says.

"uhh.. o–okay." i say.

"just tell him! remember what is said, the longer you keep it from him, the more upset he's going to be." seokjin says.

"i hate you, jin!" jimin yells as he raises his fist in the air.

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