chapter 11

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[week 11]

"where the hell is taehyung!" i shout, banging on taehyung's door room.

"calm down, jungkook! he's just visiting his grandmother!" jimin yells.

"i'm going crazy without him! i haven't seen him in like a month!" i say.

jimin says, "i think you need a therapist."

"no! i don't! do you know what i need? i need–" i say.

"–love. you need love, i know.. love from taehyung." jimin says, hugging me tightly.

"exactly.." i say as i whimper, falling into his arms, lazily as if i was drunk.

"he hasn't been answering my texts either.." i say as jimin puts me onto a chair.

"don't worry, he will answer your texts soon." jimin say.

"how do you know?" i say.

"because i do." jimin says.

"fine, i'll text him right now!" i yell.

i text taehyung and somebody's phone goes off.

"oh– uh– taehyung must've left his phone here." jimin says.

i throw my phone across the room and i pull my hair in frustration as wrap my hands around my legs.

"anxiety is getting the best of me.." i say, burying my face into my knees.

"hey, jungkook.. i was thinking.. we could have a little therepy session, kind of. like you spill out everything you're dealing with to me and i could help you out." jimin says.

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