chapter 7

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[week 7]

i grab my phone since seokjin isn't here to boss me around.

kookie: i heard someone is having a funeral today :/

taetae: that's sad:(

kookie: i know

taetae: i've got to go, bye

kookie: wait! why?

taetae: well, um.. i've got to take my nap

kookie: what's with these fucking naps?? you never take naps

taetae: i do now, but my nurse says it's healthy for me

kookie: it is?

taetae: yeah, bye

kookie: you're changing..
read at 3:48pm

i frown at my screen. he just read my text and left. i look outside my window to see the funeral. i see jimin crying and i wish i could just hug him. he's so adorable. ah, fuck! i need to stop.

i get out of my hospital bed since seokjin is attending the funeral and head to taehyung's hospital bed.

once i come in, i don't see anyone there and i start panicking. i start having a mental breakdown and everyone starts giving me weird looks.

where are you taehyung? where are you? i need you, where are you when i need you? you said you'd always be here for me? where are you? where are you, kim taehyung?

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