chapter 28

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[week 28]

i peek in taehyung's hospital room to see jimin and yoongi fighting.

"i don't want to be friends with someone who treats me like shit!" jimin says.

"oh please, i don't. just do this for the sake of jungkook." yoongi says.

"no! no! no! you never cared about me, now what excuse am i supposed to tell jungkook?" jimin says.

what.. what excuse? is he hiding something from me?

"i don't know! it's not my problem!" yoongi says.

"friends help each other? why did you even bring your stupid boyfriend! you probably planned this all out, didn't you?" jimin says.

"oh, what was i suppose to do? do you know what if feels like to have a boyfriend! if they say they want to come, you can't say no! " yoongi says.

"i don't know what having but a boyfriend feels like, but i know what having a crush feels like!" jimin says.

"oh fuck off." yoongi says.

i quietly knock on the door as jimin opens it. yoongi and jimin smile as i say, "i heard fighting.. anything going on?"

"nope." jimin says.

"we're just talking, i guess our voice were too loud, right jimin?" yoongi says.

"right." jimin says.

"oh and where is taehyung?" i say.

"he's not coming back for a few months, he's spending time with his family." jimin says.

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