chapter 39

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[week 39]

"about last week.." jimin trails off, "why didn't you break up with taehyung?"

"it's not the easy.. i still love him." i say.

"oh.." jimin says as he frowns.

"but don't you love me?" jimin say.

"i do! i do! but.. it's really complicated, jiminie." i say.

"jiminie.. i like it." jimin says as i chuckle.

"so.. would you break up with him for me? without being upset?" jimin says, seductively.

"no! i'd be crying my heart out again. i c–can't do that." i says.

"aww, c'mon." jimin says.

"jiminie! you know i can't." i say.

"jungkook, i know you love me~" jimin says.

"i do– ugh." i say.

"this can happen and it will." jimin says.

"what can happen and what will?" i say.

"us." jimin says.

"jimin.. it's really hard." i say.

"and you make me hard." jimin says.

"no! stop!" i say as jimin crosses his arms.

"just stop it, jimin. i do like you bu–" i say but i'm cut off by jimin's lips.

i gently push him away and i say, "if taehyung was here, he would be disappointed in me"

"but the thing is.." jimin says, looking into my eyes, "he isn't here."

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