wait wheres embrix and eevee?

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Hey guys its moon here and yes im back after being hacked! I still dont know how but yah im back! Im also very happy because this book has like 1k readings! EEEEE!!! Thank you guys and i hope you enjoy this chapter!

-Moon X3

N's pov

N was sitting under a tree, writing in his gernal. This morning was a bit...off. Moon was fine and so was iris, but ash wasnt looking very positive today. He looked worried.

N's mind: probably because of a pokemon battle strategy hes planning.

Moon: hey N

He looked up at her and she looked at him with a worried expression.

N: hey Moon whats up?

Moon: have you seen eevee and embrix i cant find them anywhere. I just realised that eevee was my lost eevee and now i wanna tell her im sorry i lost her but embrix and eevee are not here!

N: wait what?!? Ok just calm down a bit.

He stood up and he put his hand on her shoulder. Moon sighed.

Moon: can we go look for them?

N: sure

Moon and N walked around camp trying to find them. While N was passing by a bush he heard rustling. He turned around and then walked causiously towards the bush. Suddenly, out popped embrix and........a espeon?

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