one way out

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Serena's pov

Ash was looking ancxious, iris was pacing back and forth, while espe kept calling embrix by sticking her head in the hole. After a few seconds of silents, there was voice.

Embrix: embre? (Epse?)

Espe: espeon?!? (Are you ok?!?)

Embrix: embreon. Embre embreon (yah were fine. Moon just nearly drowned.)

Espe: espeon! (hold on im coming to get you!)

Embrix: embreon, embre embreon! (but there is just one thing, theres away out from this creepy forest down here!)

Espe turned to her friends. She flicked her tail to the hole, obviously wanting them to fall in. Serena shuddered and sighed. Suddenly ash placed his hand on her shoulder.

Ash: dont worry. I'll go down with you.

Serena: th-thank you.

Ash grabbed serena's hand. They began to walk towards the hole and jumped in. Serena saw nothing but blackness. She began to hug ash, pleading she wouldnt die. Suddenly she fell in water. Her heart raced, her lungs screamed, and her arms flayed. She couldnt escape the strong currents. Suddenly she saw ash next to her. He outstretched his hand. Serena grabbed his hand. She then got flung out of the water.

Ash: you ok

Serena: you can probably tell already...

Meanwhile, espe was paddling cutely through the rushing river, then she lay on the ground while embrix licked her. She purred. Iris was getting out of the water, muttering to her self while she looked at her wet clothes. Serena stood up, squeezing her short honey blonde hair to take out the water.

Ash: so where's the exit?

Moon: well, according to N, its through the river.

Serena gulped. She looked at the river and then the hole it went through.

Serena: s-so that must be our ticket out of here?

N: yep

Iris: oh great

Ash: well if we have to go in that weird looking river then lets hope we make it out alive

Moon: wait wha-

Before moon could finish her sentence ash had already jumped into water.
He began to swim in the river and disappeared in the dark hole. The same thing happened to N, and iris, and embrix and espe.
Moon stood by Serena's side

Moon: you gonna go first?

Serena: yah. Im ready.

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