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Four Left 

"So now that the doctor is dead, if any of us wanted to get help we are dead basically." Everyone looked at Chanyeol in confusion. "What I mean is that if someone gets harmed or killed we can't find out how they died." 

"So, why would we want to know?" Kyungsoo asked the question while putting a spoonful of rice in his mouth. 

"Because for psychopaths like you. In case you like it and want to kill your next victim the other way." Chanyeol shot off a sarcastic smile.

"I'm not a psychopath." Chanyeol gained a glare with the statement.

"That's what all the Crazies say." Kyungsoo snarled at the rapper. "What? You surprised I knew that? Yeah, I know all of your little gang. The fact that you are insane and that you ganged up on my sis-" Chanyeol was about to go off yelling at Kyungsoo but Eun barged in. 

"Can you all shut up!" She slammed her spoon into her plate. "We are trying to eat. If you want to bicker at each other, rip each other's throat out with anger, go ahead, but after breakfast." She rolled her eyes and continued scooping the broth into her mouth. 

Xiumin walked in with a large smile. He sat down and began eating instantly.  

"Hey, Kyungsoo." Chanyeol spoke the words as he stood up. "You will pay for killing my sister. You an all of your band of Crazies." He threw his dishes in the sink and walked off to the gym. Eun got up and followed in after him. 

She didn't say anything at all, but just watched as he went down to the gym. Chanyeol put his red hood on and turned the treadmill on. He used the sound as background noise as he did weights. Eun walked in quietly and sat on a bench, watching the tall boy do weights. 

After around thirty minutes Chanyeol  threw the weights in his hands down. He turned towards Eun, flinging his hood off, revealing messy hair. Eun was reading her book when he did this. "What are you doing here?" 

"Waiting. I don't want to be lonely and neither do you." Chanyeol opened his mouth to say something. "Xiumin is gardening today, since he told me so yesterday; Kyungsoo is well, Kyungsoo and you don't want to be by yourself. No matter what you say." 

"Fine, you caught me." Chanyeol laughed and sat on the floor. He laid on his back and put his knees up. "Will you hold my feet?" 

Eun didn't say anything. She sat her book down and walked over, holding Chanyeol's feet down. Each sit-up he did she counted for him. The two had gotten really close, but not too close. Just close enough to call each other friends. After around forty-three, Chanyeol started slowing down and would groan when he sat up. 

"Breath." That was actually the last word Eun spoke to Chanyeol before he died. Chanyeol nodded his head and laid back down. After hitting fifty he got up and brushed himself off. 

Chanyeol chuckled, rubbing the top of Eun's head and saying thank-you. "Oh, and Eun." Eun turned around to his words before taking off to the beach. "Be careful of Kyungsoo. I know you know that but be careful. Also of Xiumin. Something isn't right about him." 

Eun nodded her head and walked out. Making that moment that last time she heard Chanyeol's.

She saw him last walking behind the house.

11:00 am

Park Chanyeol hummed the beat to his new rap. While being on the island this long, it's inspired him for new raps.

The East side of the island was a part of the island that nobody really went to. For a while, no one really thought there was anything over on that side. In reality, there were potholes. Large caverns that lead to rocks, and Chanyeol had no fear looking down them.

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