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One of Eun's books called Letter Games, has a case within it talks about a murderer who faked his own death. She wrote in the author's note that she got the idea for that case from And Then There Were None. In Eun's story the murderer "stabbed" himself to death.

With that knowledge, Eun could tell who the murderer was in the end. 

D-Day Countdown to Two    (One) 

Detective Seo and Rookie Jiyoung walked up to the house. Seo In Guk looked down at the letter and then back at the building. 

"Are you sure this is it?" He asked the question to the younger.

"Positive." The two of them walked inside of the marshmallow shop. A young lady stood at the register and welcomed them. 

"Hello, are you miss Kim?" The girl nodded her head. 

"My brother passed away so I took over. How may I help you detectives?" She smiled. The girl heard about her brother when the police first found the house. That was a week ago; two weeks after he went to the island.

"We are to ask about a Black Book?" The girls eyes widened. She went in the back for a second and came back with a book labeled Black Book. 

"It's my brothers book of every client that came in." The detectives opened the book, having he pink letter fall out. 

"This is all we need, thank-you." Detective Seo bowed, gave the book back and left the building. 

After collecting all the letters, they sent them, including the one they got from the killer to the forensics lab to get tested. They wanted to make sure it was all the same handwriting. 

"Should we go to the location now?" Detective Seo nodded his head.

D-Day Countdown  (Two) 

Detective Seo had reinforcements come with him to raid U.W.D's house. He barged in pointing his gun in the air. The house was nice and done. A small white dog ran up to them letting out small barks, they did nothing to harm it and continued to walk through the house. 

A tall lanky man walked out, grabbing the small dog and smiling. "Hello Detectives." They all turned to him, eyes wide. The person the least expected came out. He had a cut on his lip and a bandage over his left hand. "Please, sit down. I won't harm you." 

The detectives sat on the couch, having everyone else step out. "Want anything to drink? Eat?" They shook their heads. 

"We're here to arrest you." Rookie Jiyoung exclaimed the words.

"Oh, I know that. You see, I'm smarter than you think." He smiled and waved at them. 

"But first," Detective Seo held back Jiyoung, who already had his handcuffs out excited to make his first arrest that wasn't public indecency. "Tell us how you survived. The way you wrote it in your letter made it sound like you were a completely different person." 

"And that's exactly how I felt. I could feel what it was like to be the murderer and the victim. Hurt because I only worried about my 'friends.' I wasn't planning on killing the girl, I didn't want to. That's why I had it so that Min-seok Hyung would kill her. I knew that she would either kill herself or force someone to kill her." He let the white dog go run around on the floor. He corrected his posture and sat in a chair across the detectives. Crossing his right leg over the other. 

"They checked your pulse, you were gutted out, and buried. How could you possibly survive that?" Seo In Guk tapped his knee.

"I'll tell you the whole story." He licked his lips and rubbed his chin. "All it takes is a supply of fake blood. In which I have. So, I used a bit of prosthetic, fake blood, and screaming. Knowing that Eun and Lay would deduce how I died, I had to think like them. So, at night I would read up on her books and the medical books in the reading nook. Making it so that I had enough knowledge to pull this off. So, that day I screamed as I worked, going quiet when I was finally lying on the floor and just pretended like I was asleep." 

"They had to have check your pulse." The boy shook his head at the detective. 

"My neck look like it was slit, and blood everywhere. They checked the pulse on my arm, not my neck. What hurt me the most was the fact that Eun was crying her eyes out and screaming for me." The boy looked down and felt his stomach. "Prosthetic hurt worse than emotions." He laughed to himself.

"Now how did you survive being buried alive?" Rookie Jiyoung asked the question, playing with the handcuffs in his hands. 

"Stayed down there until I couldn't hear anything anymore. We weren't buried that deep into the ground. After getting out, I placed the flowers back to how they were." 

"How would you know how the flowers were?" Seo In Guk asked the question.

"I don't. That's why you have a girl who mumbles while she buries. Mumbling about how she wants to get the S in the correct per-portion, and the colors of the flowers and how she wants it." He smirked. "I could hear everything." 

"You were underground." Detective Seo leaned forward.

"But not that deep." He leaned in and smiled. "Now you know how I survived. I warned them that they would die, but they couldn't figure it out." Detective Seo stood up along with the boy and Jiyoung. The boy held his hands out towards the detectives.

Detective Seo grabbed the boy pushing him to the floor. Rookie Jiyoung walked over and pulled his arms behind his back, hearing a loud groan from the taller. "Oh Sehun, you are under arrest for the murder of ten people." He pulled Sehun up and finished handcuffing him. Sehun smiled and said goodbye to Vivi. The small white dog lying on it's bed watching them. 


"You killed your best friend." 

"I had no feelings for him. He was my friend, but he deserved it." 

"You cried out. You even wrote that down on paper that you did." 

"I know I cried out in pain. I know I was dreadful and screamed, but it's not how I really felt. Remember, I am a model who wants to be an actor. I acted." He sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"You're sick." 

"Those are the same words I told Kyungsoo." Sehun didn't tell the police since he thought that the police probably already knew, but he was actually part of Kyungsoo's Crazies group. He was the fifth member that didn't partake in anything. He was too concerned about how they should deserve what they pay for, so they kicked him out. 

"Why wouldn't they suspect you?" 

"I'm too sweet. They wouldn't have thought I was smart enough to do all of this." Sehun laughed. Rookie Jiyoung walked out of the interrogation room.

"Well, that's the end of our case." Detective Seo spoke the words. "If we have anymore questions, we can just ask him again." Everyone nodded their heads. 

That was the end of the case...

...for now.


A/N - If there are any questions, I will gladly answer them for you. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this story. It was somewhat fun to make, since I like writing murder mysteries. Or mysteries in general. Question, who did you originally think the murderer was, and were you shocked when you found out who it really was? 

Alrighty then, that's all. Bye!!

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