Q & A (Ft. Murderer Oh Sehun)

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To answer these questions, we consulted the criminal himself to answer them.


So really tell me in detail why he chose all of them first?

"Hi, Sehun speaking. I'll tell you the same thing I told the police. My brother is a lawyer and could get me a few cases. I asked for ten and he gave me 50. So, I chose the first nine on the list. One of them being my brothers colleague. Although I was taken back when half of the first nine were from my company, even one being my nemesis. So that's how I chose the people. Completely random."

Was he really jealous of Kai and was their friendship fake?

Sehun was really jealous of Kai. That is why he killed him the way he did. Sehun faked about being his friend and being in pain because he hated him. When Sehun saw Kai's name on the list, he immediately chose him.

"The idiot deserved it. He went way out of his league stealing my title as number one and killed a person. Yeah, I had fun killing him."

If Eun knew it was him why didn't he just kill her after she figured it out?

Like he said, Sehun didn't want to kill Eun. He wanted to keep her alive and just have her "kill herself." Sehun grew a fondness of Eun, so when she found out, he decided not to harm her. He just wanted to see how it would all play out, knowing that she wouldn't reveal anything; or at least trusting she wouldn't.

"I still can't figure out why she didn't just confront me when she found out. Well, either way she would have to die. That's just how Murder Island works."

Sehun himself said that Hell sounds good for the victims to call it, but not himself.

If D.O was the one who killed the most people why was he one of the last ones to die, and isn't that unfair that Baek accidentally killed her?

Kyungsoo was last because Sehun was fond of him. Also, because of his crimes Sehun thought they would either sacrifice Kyungsoo or kill him themselves. One of his only friends in the company was Kyungsoo, so he decided that he could stay longer than planned.

Wasn't all of it supposed to equal in punishment?

No, it was not equal in punishment. Sehun's mind thinking was that he would kill the useless ones first. Originally he thought of killing Chen first, but Baekhyun was annoying to him. Especially since Baekhyun was a makeup artist and if he lived long enough to see a fake death, like Sehun's, he would figure it out right away. Others wouldn't tell the difference between makeup and real blood, even a doctor or author.

"If I kept him alive longer it really would have been too risky and I wouldn't have been able to finish my 'mission' before the time was up."

Why would Sehun go through all of the fake pain and things only to hide and commit his crimes discreetly?

He wanted to make it realistic. People would realistically scream, and if his boys was found and no one heard a scream, then it would have been suspicious. They would have being to question why the boy who cried wolf decided to not cry wolf when he was killed. So, Sehun thought about every possible outcome.

What was his purpose of doing it? Is it for fun or is he trying to do something "good"? What is his motive?

"Hi, Sehun again, so I was in the Crazies. And you see, the Crazies, we were a bunch of psychopaths that killed people. We got bored and decided that a little party never hurt nobody, and in our books we were having parties. It was fun for awhile, until I got bored. A thought came to me, what if we killed people who actually deserved it. Not random people, ones who committed crimes and never payed for it. The others didn't agree with me. They said that we should kill at random because then we wouldn't be caught. The police never can catch serial killers because they are random. I didn't want to be a serial killer at random. I wanted to make people pay, so I left the group. That's why I took the inheritance from my family so I could create the world that I think is easier."

Sehun also believed that the world had enough people in it, so instead of taking away the useful people, get rid of the ones who deserve it.

Why did he send them to be there together? Was he trying to scare them or shock them?

He wanted them to get to know each other. Even if he didn't know that some knew each other and the connections within, he knew that he would have fun playing with them all. Allowing them to get attached to people.

"Also it was more fun having them scared and in fear of each other. I believe I mentioned this, but I like seeing people in complete fear of each other. Even though I got afraid of some of them at times."

Also if he was going to kill them all why did he wait so long? Couldn't he just have done it earlier?

"Like I said, I wanted to have fun. It was more fun putting everyone in fear of being killed whether they wanted to admit it or not. Wow, you people really don't pay attention. I guess I could have you sent a letter."

We apologize for Sehun not fully cooperating and talking back.

Why did he kill Xiumin? Xiumin did a somewhat "good" thing protecting someone.

The reasons for killing Xiumin was because Xiumin killed someone. Sehun didn't care about how many people you killed or the reason, he just cared about the fact that they actually killed a person. Since he killed someone he wouldn't be missed. At least that was Sehun's thought process.


We hope some questions were answered. If they were not fill free to ask the remaining questions and we could have them answered for you. In the meantime, bye!

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