Years Later

15 1 0


He laid in bed, thinking.
He saw her today.
She looked more beautiful than ever, if that was even possible. Seeing her smile again had cause something to stir in him. The emotions that he had tamped down since he left her house all those years ago flared up again.
But this time, just like when they first met, she was holding another man's hand. He berated himself for being the kind of person he was. "Why did I have to hurt her? Why couldn't I have stayed? She changed me, I could have loved her and her I for so much longer." 
But seeing her in that bar, she looked happy. She had lost weight, in a good way. She no longer wore tons of makeup... Like maybe someone had finally convinced her she didn't need it. And he was hit with he crushing realization that he had let go someone amazing. He knew she had spent so many nights wishing for him to realize that, and she finally gave up, thinking that maybe she wasn't so amazing after all.
Maybe this guy had made her realize that she was worth something, in a way he never had.
But then again.... Maybe he hadn't.
He had seen the pale scars on her wrist, and peeking out from the hem of her shorts, the fluorescent lights only accentuating them.

She pretended not to notice him, and smiled a little wider, leaning into the side of the man next to her. She felt a stirring of feelings for the guy who had walked out on her all that time ago. But she loved the one next to her. When she had been broken, he hadn't cared. He had made her smile, made her feel less broken. He hadn't just put band-aids over the cracks in her heart and hope it held, no, he patiently held her hand and stitched them up, pulling her close when she bled. And now there were scars on her heart to match the ones on her skin, but he made her forget about those. She had no doubts, she lived him, and not the high school sweetheart who made her feel worthless.
She had seen him staring. Maybe he had finally realized that he missed her.
And she hoped he knew it was too late.

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