Not the end of Him

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No.... it was not the end,, and I'm not sure if this will be either. The end of his story... no. The end of mine, quite possibly, therefore putting an end to the collective us.
I can't be saved. More than that... maybe I don't want to be. I enjoy what I'm eating like it's the last supper . Ha. Comparing myself to Jesus. I'm not a martyr. I'm a coward. No... you can't be ether of those when you're a maelstrom, violent and destructive. I've waited for the eye of my storm to reach me for a long time, but it just occurred to me that maybe I passed around it without ever knowing it was there.You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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