Chapter 4

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Sorry it's short, I had to type this all out on my phone. Next chapter will be longer! :)


To say I was nervous was a complete understatement. My hands were shaking and my stomach was doing flips. I wanted to jump into bed and play sick until the next summer. Why had my confidence suddenly diminish? The day before, I was preparing my clothes for the next day with a giant grin on my face. I had been excited for school, yet now I was completely overwhelmed.

I kept seeing faults in myself even after all of the weight I had lost. I stood in front of my mirror and picked at my skin. Maybe I should have lost more weight? I shouldn't have been so confident. I could see the amazing difference in my body but wished I had lost more.

Reluctantly, I slipped on the first pair of shorts I would wear publicly, a white cami, and my new tight, blue shirt that was loose on the short sleeves, solid in the front, and had lace in the back that revealed my tank top. I then slipped on my white flip flops and gazed back at my reflection in the mirror. My dark hair was stick straight, my makeup outlined my eyes nicely, and I was ready to go.

A small sigh escaped my lips as I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I could smell the sweet scent of oranges and eggs when I walked into the kitchen and smiled over at my family. "Would you like some breakfast honey?" My mom asked.

I kindly shook my head and gave her a smile. "No thank you, I have to get to school." I told them.

"But school's in an hour." My brother said.

"Yeah but I'm meeting up with Sasha and Robbie before we head to school." I told him and walked out of my house.

I could hear my heart pounding in my chest as I pulled up to the local Starbucks. We were all going to grab a coffee and talk for a little before school started so we could catch up. It was Sasha's idea and I had accepted without hesitation. I had missed my friends. During the summer I grew incredibly lonely at times but reminded myself that I was doing it for a good reason.

I parked my car and hesitantly got out. I then pulled my sunglasses off of my face and placed them on my head before walking into the building. I spotted Sasha and Robbie right away. Nothing had really changed except for the fact that they had gotten tanner. They were sitting at a small table near the corner so I walked up to it and stopped. I didn't know what their reaction would be, but I knew I would soon find out.

They both turned their heads in my direction and stared at me, as if they had no idea who I was. It was when Sasha's mouth hung open when I finally smiled. "Oh my, God."

I couldn't help but giggle at her comment. "No, not God. Just Kylie." I said.

She stood up and embraced me in a giant hug, nearly lifting me off the ground. "I missed you so much! Oh my gosh look at you, Kylie!" She said and finally released the hug, scanning my body. "What did you do? How did you do it? Oh my gosh where did you go on vacation? I have so many questions but I just can't get them out!" she said excitedly.

I laughed and sat down at the table and she did the same. "Okay I didn't exactly go on vacation. Instead I worked out all summer and ate right. I just told you guys I was going on vacation just so I could surprise you." I told them.

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