Chapter 22

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            I knew I had to talk to Gabe, but I had no idea how he would feel about what happened. I didn’t want to lose him as a friend. He was like a big brother to me, someone who I felt safe being around. And if I was friends with Cece, and they got together, it would be really awkward if he hated me. I understood that Melanie was his cousin, but I couldn’t help myself. How was I supposed to act after everything she put me through?

            I wanted to see Gabe before Robbie and Sasha came. I didn’t want to be constantly worrying about it their whole visit. But there was a downside to that. If I talked to him and he hated me, then I would be a wreck. And that would be another cancelled day for my friends.

            I decided seeing Cece first was the best idea. She’d know how Gabe was feeling and if I needed to stay away from him for a little bit or not. My stomach was doing flips when I stopped at her room, knocking softly on the door. I was praying he wasn’t in there with her, even though that was against the rules. It wasn’t like we followed them really, anyway.

            Finally the door swung open and I was relieved to see that Cece was alone. “Can I talk to you, please?” I asked.

            She smiled at me and moved over so I could walk through. “Of course! How are you doing after yesterday?” She asked.

            I shrugged my shoulders and sat down at my bed. “Better I guess. Just glad I won’t have to see Melanie. But, that’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.”

            She nodded her head and sat down next to me. “What’s up?”

            “Okay, well, Melanie is Gabe’s cousin, I don’t know if you figured that out yet.” I told her.

            She slowly nodded her head. “Yeah, he told me yesterday.”

            “Oh, okay. Well, did he say anything else?” I asked nervously.

            “Not really. I think he was shocked. His cousin is now in another ward, but on the other hand that same cousin tormented his friend. He basically kept to himself in the lounge area or his room. Whenever someone tried to talk to him he’d just shoo them away. He refused to eat when dinner rolled around, so he had to talk to his therapist.”

            That’s when I remembered everything. My heart sunk so low I felt like I was going to throw up. “Oh God, I need to go talk to him.” I said and quickly stood up.

            I ignored Cece’s questions as I walked out of her room and to the lounge area, praying that he was there. Thankfully, he was sat at one of the tables alone. My heart was beating erratically as I neared him, wondering what his reaction would be when he saw me. He finally looked up as I sat down across from him. He had bags under his eyes, and that made me feel worse. “Hey.” I said softly, hoping to get some sort of response from him.

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