Chapter 14

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Really wanted to get this up today, but had no time to edit it so I will do so tomorrow!


When the check in nurse opened the door and told Alex and me to wake up, I groaned loudly and stuffed my face into the pillow. I wanted to sleep the whole day or never leave my room. I heard Alex shuffle in her bed next to me, then her footsteps trailed along to my bed, and then they stopped. I lifted my face from the pillow and looked at the sympathetic expression she was giving me.

            “It’s going to be okay, Kylie.” She assured me.

            I sighed and closed my eyes again. “We’ll see.”

            After I heard her walk out of the room, I rolled over on my back and stared up at the ceiling. It had been five days since my first incident. I had so much shame building up inside me knowing that more people knew what I did. Even my family knew. The hospital had called them and informed them of how I ran out of the therapist’s office and stole food from the kitchen, then ate it and threw it all up. I was incredibly angry when I heard that Dr. Reynolds had called them and told them everything. I ended up locking myself in a bathroom stall for two hours and refused to come out until they threatened to do it by force.

            The door opened once more and the same nurse from a few minutes ago popped her head back in. “Kylie, you have exactly an hour before they get here.” She said with a smile, then shut the door.

            I groaned even louder remembering that my family were coming to visit. Pushing the covers off of my body, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and pushed myself off. Groggily, I made my way to the dresser and grabbed new clothes for the day, then made my way out of the room and found a nurse to escort me to the showers. When we got to the bathrooms, I let myself into one of the showers and shut the curtain, then changed out of my clothes and hung them up in a spot where they wouldn’t get wet.

            I allowed the water to run over my body before I touched the shampoo. Running my hands over my stomach and hips, I tried not to squeeze the fat that was there. It looked as if I had gained more weight, even though I had only been in the hospital for a week. I hadn’t been able to work out as much as I’d like, especially after my ‘episode.’

            When I was finally done with my shower, I dried myself then put on my clothes. Walking up to the mirror, I mentally cursed at myself when I realized I had forgotten my hairbrush. I turned around to leave the bathroom and headed to my room really fast, then walked back to the bathroom after getting permission from the nurse. I walked back up to the mirror and began brushing my hair when I heard someone crying in one of the showers. Scanning my eyes along the ground under the curtains, I noticed someone’s bare feet, and they were the source of the sound. Furrowing my eyebrows, I set my brush down then made my way to the curtain.

            “Hey, are you okay?” I asked calmly.

            There were a few sniffles, then the girl turned the shower on. I became even more confused, and almost tripped backwards when I looked back down and noticed the blood running along with the water in the drain. “Cece, is that you?” I asked again, louder this time.

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