Chapter 10

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Sorry for the wait guys!


It felt weird packing my things, knowing I would only be about a half an hour away. The doctors said my condition was too critical to be an outpatient, so now, with my parent’s permission of course, I was an inpatient. I was so furious; I couldn’t believe that my own family had turned on me.

            When my mom found out she started crying like a baby. She told me how beautiful I was no matter what and she was so sorry that she didn’t notice before. My father was distraught too. He blamed himself for me getting so thin because of how he used to treat me. I tried to reassure him that there was nothing wrong with me and it wasn’t his fault, but he wouldn’t hear it.

            My brother was a complete mess. He was begging me to forgive him for not telling someone sooner. He was completely torn that he knew about my secret and kept his mouth shut. It hurt me to see him like this, and I tried to tell him that I was fine, but he didn’t believe me either. Having my family blame themselves made me feel even worse. I felt like a terrible person, even though to me, nothing was wrong. All I was doing was trying to lose weight.

            Sasha and Robbie were downstairs along with my family, waiting for me to be ready. I didn’t want to leave, but I had to. The hospital gave me a time limit, and if I didn’t comply with it, then I would be taken by force by police officers. I thought it was ridiculous, but didn’t want to take the chance. I was ‘sentenced’ to 90 days in the hellhole. If I wasn’t ‘cured’ by then, then I would have to stay longer. I’d show them they were wrong.

            Grabbing my bags, I hauled them out of my room and down the stairs. Everyone was waiting in the living room, and when they saw me, they all stood up. Their faces showed worry and hurt, which made anger boil up inside me. I didn’t need sympathy, there was nothing wrong! Couldn’t they see that? I think my mother sensed my thoughts, because she came running at me and engulfed me in a hug.

            “Sweetie, please don’t be mad at us. We just want what’s best for you. You’ll understand that in time.” She cried.

            I hugged her back, but not with much passion as she did. When she finally released the hug, we all headed outside to the car. My father helped me put my bags in the trunk, then unlocked the car and got in. Turning to Robbie and Sasha, I gave them a weak smile. “Well, I guess I’ll see you guys soon.” I said.

            Sasha wrapped her arms around me and squeezed tightly. “Is it okay if we come and visit you?” She asked.

            I returned the hug and nodded. “Of course.” I told her.

            When she released and stepped back, Robbie slowly made his way towards me and gave me a hug. “I’ll miss you.” He said softly.

            “I’ll miss you too.” My voice was cold. I was still upset at him for telling people that I had an eating problem, but I would miss him.

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