Chapter 9

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Okaaaay, sorry for the wait! With all of the robberies going on in my neighborhood, I didn't like being at my house alone. This one's kinda short, but don't worry! Next one will be longer :)

And be aware of the POV change towards the middle :)


I was so angry with Robbie for the next couple of weeks. The Monday after he said those things to me I was called into the office to talk to a school counselor about my weight. I couldn’t believe Robbie had actually told someone that something was wrong with me when there wasn’t. I knew Sasha was on his side, too. Because of everything I decided to stop talking to them. They went behind my back, something friends shouldn’t do. They didn’t even know anything about me anymore, how could they just assume I had an eating disorder?

            Those two weeks I was consumed with working out and making sure my brother didn’t catch me throwing up my food. I had to hide bags of puke in my closet for hours just so I could escape to a garbage can without him seeing. It made me on edge most of the time, which didn’t do my nerves any good. I started getting more and more stressed out, and with that, I would either exercise more or binge. I hated binging after it was done. It made me feel sick to think about how I had stuffed numerous foods in my stomach. I was glad I was able to get it out, though.

            There were a few things going good for me. I had lost even more weight, bringing me down to a 96. I made sure to stay clear of the scale until I knew I could be sure that I lost weight, but I wasn’t expecting such a dramatic drop. I was so excited when I saw the number and ended up jumping for joy. All my hard work had finally paid off and I was in the double digits. I felt so proud of myself, and it was the happiest I had been in a very long time.

            Of course, that happiness soon went away. I still looked in the mirror with hate and disgust. I was still able to grab my skin, which made my stomach turn. I wanted desperately to be happy with my body but it just wasn’t possible yet. I was still atrocious.


            I walked into my AP BIO class and sat down in my seat, intentionally ignoring the stares I got from Sasha and Robbie. Setting my bag on the ground next to me, I stared straight ahead, waiting for the teacher to start talking. When the bell finally rang, she got up and made her way to the middle of the classroom.

            “Okay class, today is the day!” She said, excitement residing in her voice while groans from students followed after. “Please go to your stations and get everything ready.”

            I got up and walked over to my station next to Lizzie, my lab partner. “You ready for this?” She asked.

            I shrugged. “Not really, but we have to do it which kind of sucks.”

            She nodded. “Yeah I know.”

            Everyone waited patiently while the teacher handed out trays to each station. The first tray was the instruments we would be using, which I brought in-between Lizzie and I when we were given it. The second tray was what we were going to dissect; a cat.

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