Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Poppy, her boyfriend Creek, and the rest of the Snack Pack were all sitting at the park at a set of tables trying to figure out what to do before school started in 2 days, Monday, to be exact.  They were at a lovely community park in the neighborhood that they all lived it. Everyone but Poppy lived on the north side of the neighborhood, which was nice but not as nice as the south side, while Poppy lived on the south side in a big 3 story house with more rooms then she knew what to do with, as it was just Poppy and her father. They didn't live that far apart, but the rest of the Snack Pack lived right next door to each other, where Poppy had to walk half a mile to see her friends. 

"Oh I know," Poppy blurted out, "We can have a sleepover at my place, there's plenty of room and my dad won't mind." Poppy's friends all nodded their heads in agreement and went to get their stuff. "Be at my place in 2 hours," Poppy yelled as the rest of the Pack had already ran across the park. 

As Poppy was walking home, she noticed that the "For Sale" sign on the house next to her's was gone, and she was going to go greet her new neighbor, but decided against it as there appeared to be no one there. 

She went inside and asked her father if she could have a sleepover at her house, and her father quickly replied "Of course princess." Poppy's dad, Peppy, always called her princess even though she was almost a jr. in high school. "Dad, you know you don't have to call me 'Princess' anymore right. I mean, i'm going to be a jr. in high school on Monday." "Yes, I know, but you will always be my princess no matter how old you get," Peppy replied smiling at his beautiful daughter. 

"Okay Branch, you ready to move into our new house," Branches mother said excitedly to her son who just continued to look at the side of the road (There is roads to walk on between towns, but still no cars) "Branch!" she yelled, "Would it kill you to at least act excited?!" Branches mother said angrily. He wasn't surprised by her reaction, as she often yelled at him, especially when she was drunk, which happened a lot. Branch was wearing a black hoodie and jeans because where they were coming from was cold, even though he knew it would be hot once they got to the warm temperatures he would be sweating, as he was now. He looked down at his arms, even though his sleeves were in the way. He still stared at his left arm, remembering the night before when his mother was drunk. 

"Branch, get in here NOW!" his mother yelled from the dining room. Branch knew what was coming, as he prepared himself with a hoodie to cover his face since he knew his mother would probably slap him a few times. Branch walked downstairs to see his mother standing there tapping her foot. "Branch, where is your stuff, WERE LEAVING TOMORROW!" She yelled as Branch prepared himself for a slap, which surprisingly didn't come. "It's ready packed, it's all sitting outside my room," Branch said nervously as he was still wondering why he hadn't been slapped. "OH really, well I didn't see it when i came downstairs a few minutes ago." Branch had just put it out a minute or 2 before his mom called him down. "Well, I just p-put it outside my room a minu-" He was interrupted by a cold hand slapping him in the face. This was harder then usual, as Branch fell to the ground in pain. "She must have had more then she usually does," Branch thought to himself. "You know what, i'm gonna teach you a lesson." She went to the kitchen and pulled out a beer and handed it to her son. "Now drink it, all of it. NOW!!" Branch hated the taste of alcohol, as his mother made him try some before, but never this much. "But mo-" "NO BUTS, JUST DRINK IT." Branch could feel himself tearing up as he drank the disgusting beer as fast as he could before him mom yelled again. When he was done, he was in tears, but his mom didn't care. "Now go to your room and finish packing, NOW!" Branch went upstairs, but before he did, he went to the kitchen to grab a knife, as his mom wouldn't notice. He went upstairs and rolled his sleeves up and made one slit and yelped out in pain, but quickly covered his mouth so his mom wouldn't get mad. He did this 2 more times before throwing the knife down on the ground and crying himself to sleep. He didn't bother to patch his arm as the sheets were staying at the house that would soon be demolished. 

He then remembered that where they were going was warm and the scars developing on his arm would be exposed. He was constantly calling himself an idiot before he was interrupted by his mother. "Were here." Branch hadn't noticed that they were already at the new house as he was to caught up in thought. It was a big 2 story house painted white with windows everywhere and a beautiful walkway to the front door. Branch hadn't seen the house yet, so he stared at it a minute before realizing he was still in the road.

As they were walking in to look at the new house, he noticed a group of teens walking to the house next to him with pillows. "Huh, they must be having a sleepover or something," Branch thought before he was interrupted by someone talking to him. "HI," he heard a troll with headphones call out to him. He ignored it and kept walking until he felt a tap on his shoulder. "I said hi, aren't you gonna say 'hi' back." The troll said playfully. Branch wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, but he turned around to say hi and quickly noticed the beautiful troll standing in front of him. She was a maroon color with orange hair and a white pair of headphones with flowers on them. "H-hi" "So, what's your name," The troll said but didn't get a response as Branch was in a sort of trans staring at her. He was snapped out of it and said "My names B-Branch, what a-about you" Branch said blushing. "I'm Dj Suki, but my friends call me Dj, or Suki, you can call me whatever. So since your new to the neighbor hood, can I give you a tour tomorrow, I live right down the road from you," Dj said flirting with the grey troll in front of her, but she didn't want to ask him why he was grey, as she already knew that it meant he lost his happiness and didn't want to upset him. "S-sure, sounds great." "Alright, I'll meet you tomorrow morning at 11, okay." He was surprised that a troll was being so nice to him, as he had no friends back home. "Ok, see you t-tomorrow" "Suki, let's go," she heard her friends call out. "Coming," She yelled back. "Bye Branch," She said flirtatiously. "Bye"

Suki quickly went back to her friends, as it was almost night time and she wanted to get the party started. Branch was still shaking his head in disbelief that a pretty troll like her wanted to talk to him. He went inside, unpacked, set his alarm for 10, and quickly went to sleep, as he wanted tomorrow to get here already. As for Suki and the Snack Pack, they were just getting started that night. 

Well, that's the 1st chapter. Sorry it's kinda dark, but it is a human world, and these things do happen. Either way, i had fun writing it. Hope you like it. Comment what you think, and if it was too dark, tell me and i can change it up a bit. 

Stay Alive, My Friens

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