Chapter 3: Bruise

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Branch sat on the couch wondering why Dj winked at him, was she just flirting, or implying something. And if she was implying something, was it friendly, or sexual. He had no idea, but put the thought aside when he saw a pink troll walking up to his door. That must be Poppy, he thought to himself. 

Branch opened the door before she could knock and told her the same thing he told Dj. "Ok, well, I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood, and if you ever need anything, just come over. I would be happy to help." Branch was surprised that so many trolls were being nice to him. "Thanks, what's your name," he asked even though he already knew. "My names Poppy, you must be Branch." Branch was surprised that she knew his name. "How do you know my name?" "Oh, well we were playing truth or dare last night and we were all admitting crushes and when it was Dj's turn..." Poppy quickly stopped herself as she realized she was telling Branch Dj's secret. "Uh, are you saying what I think your saying, that Dj h-has a... c-crush on me?" Branch stood there blushing unsure if he should smile. "Well, I shouldn't have said that, but know you deserve to know. Yes, she has a crush on you, and I can see why," Poppy said not realizing that she was flirting with him. "Oh, uh... t-thanks for telling me..." Branch was still surprised that Dj liked him back. He didn't think she would after... you know. "Well, it was nice meeting you, remember, if you need anything, just stop by and I will help you out, okay?" "Okay, thanks." Branch closed the door and jumped up and down quietly now that the knew that Dj liked him back. Branch went on with his day and got everything prepared for the first day of school tomorrow. 

Branch once again wore a t shirt and jeans as he knew that he couldn't hide his newly made scars forever. Branch walked into homeroom and was glad to see Dj, Poppy, and Creek in the same class. "Hey Branch," Poppy and Dj said while Creek just stared at him. "Uh... Hey." Poppy still hadn't told Dj that she accidentally told Branch about her crush on him. Branch noticed an empty sit far away from everyone and went to sit there when Dj called him over. "Hey Branch, there's an open seat next to me," she said with a smile. Branch walked over to the seat and then class began. There were only 3 class periods at this school, which was different, since at his old school there were 8 periods. 

The first period ended and Branch went to the bathroom before going to his next period. As he was washing his hands, Creek walked in and just stood behind Branch. "Hey, Branch is it. I saw you talking to Poppy yesterday. You better not be flirting with her. She's mine, so back off." Branch was surprised at this remark since he hadn't even really noticed how pretty Poppy was. "You don't have a-anything to worry about Creek," Branch said slightly scared at what would happen next. "Your right, and to make sure of that." Branch stood there waiting on what was next, and before he knew it, he was on the ground in pain. Creek had just punched him in the face and walked off. He looked in the mirror and saw a bruise was already going across his cheek. He didn't know what to do, because if he told anyone what happened he would just get punched again. So he went to his next period and saw none other then Dj sitting with an open seat next to her. "Hey Branch, fancy seeing you here,"Suki said playfully before Branch sat next to her. "Oh my gosh Branch, what happened." Suki noticed the bruise developing across most of his left side. Dj went to the front and asked the teacher if she could take him to the nurse. He shook his head yes and Dj led Branch to the nurse. Since the school wasn't strict, Dj was allowed  to stay in the office with him as he was told to lay down and rest with an ice pack on his cheek. Branch layed there talking with Suki for about an hour, Mostly talking about music, as they had the same interests. Then they went back to second period and finished it out before going to lunch. 

Dj led Branch to the table the whole Snack Pack sat at. "Hey guys, this is Branch, he's in my 1st and 2nd period." The whole group already knew who he was from the sleepover and they all smiled at Suki. They sat down and Poppy asked him about his face, and Creek gave him a look. "Oh nothing, just slipped in the bathroom." Really, that's the best you could come up with, Branch thought to himself. "Really, that doesn't sound too believable," a big blue troll said to him. "Oh yeah, meet the Snack Pack," Dj began, "Poppy, Creek, Biggie, Smidge, Me, Satin, and Chenille." Chenille then realized that this was Branch, as she wasn't paying attention earlier. She blushed as she realized that it was going to be hard to get her love interest to notice her. "Nice to meet you all," Branch said. "Why are you grey," Smidge said instantly regretting it. "I don't wanna talk about it," Branch said to the Pack. "If you don't wanna tell us, we don't need to know," Poppy said reassuring him. The bell rang and they were off to the final class before school let out

And guess who was in Branches third period class, that's right, Dj. Along with Smidge, Satin, Chenille, GD, Biggie, and Poppy. Everyone, except Creek. Branch was glad to see Creek wasn't in the room. Branch sat next to Dj and Satin. Class seemed to fly by as school let out. "Hey, Branch, you wanna go with us, were gonna go to the Coffee shop before we go home, we do it everyday," Dj said hoping he would say yes. (A/N Can you guess where i got the coffee shop idea from) "Uh, s-sure, but I don't know if i can everyday." Branch didn't have any money, as he hadn't found a job yet. They all ordered their coffee and when the waitress asked what he wanted, he said nothing and she went to go get the coffee. "Branch, why didn't you get anything," Poppy asked. "Well, I don't have any money and haven't found a job yet." Dj's face lit up. "The place I work has an opening, and i'm gonna train them, if you wanna work with me." Branch smiled and asked where she worked. "I work at the local movie theater, plus if you work there, you get one free movie ticket every 3 weeks. It's not the most exciting job, but it would be more fun if you were there," Dj said to Branch smiling sideways. "S-sure, i'll apply." "No Branch, it's my job to hire someone, so if you wanna work with me, I can get you a job." "Okay, guess I found a job." Branch and Dj then noticed that the whole Snack Pack was listening in on  their conversation. They both blushed and all finished their coffee, except Branch, and went home. 

When Branch opened the door to his home, his mom began to scream at him, and Dj heard and hid behind the side of the house as the door was still open and she could hear everything. "Branch, where were you!" his mother screamed at him. "I was with some friends, I know now's not the best time, but can I go to the coffee shop after school everyday." His mother stared at him. She took another sip of alcohol and somehow, regained some of her senses. "Sure, sorry I yelled." He knew his mother din't mean it, but he went upstairs and forgot to close the door. Branches mother went to her room and stayed there for the rest of the night. When she was clear, Dj ran up the stairs and saw a door that said "Keep Out" and she knew it was Branches.

Branch had his shirt off and was changing when the door opened. He was shocked to see Dj standing there staring at him. "Wow, Branch, I knew you were fit, but... wow." They both blushed and Branch asked why she was here. "Well, I heard your mom yelling, since you forgot to close the door, and i figured I would let myself in. I know it's kinda weird, but do you mind if I stay the night, My parent's are gone and it's lonely at the house." "But what if my mom finds out your here," Branch said in disbelief. "You said it yourself, she sleeps late, and she just went to sleep, even though its only 6, and you and me both know she's out for the night, so, whatdya say." Dj looked at him with puppy dog eyes and he gave in, "ok, but we need to be quiet." Dj left to go get her stuff and Branch put his shirt on and realized that his crush was going to sleep in his house, in his room, for the night. Where was she going to sleep, with me, or am i gonna let her have the bed and sleep on the ground or what. Questions were running through his mind and he tried to push them away and put on a shirt and sat on the bed waiting for his crush.

I liked this chapter a lot, hope you guys liked it, yes I kinda used the idea for the coffee shop and theater from 13 Reasons Why, but I still love this chapter. I think its my favorite so far. Hope you guys like it. Remember to comment and tell me what you thought.

Stay Alive, My Friens

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