Chapter 10: Out of the Closet

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Everyone, except for Creek, arrived at the park with each other. They didn't recognize the grey figure at there usual stop until they heard the sobs and got closer. Everyone could see the scar developing across her arm and she lifted her hear. "Oh hey g-guys, didn't see you there," She said trying not to sound so sad. It didn't work. They ran up to her and showered her in hugs and kisses. She heard things like "It's gonna be alright," and "What happened." Once they all got off of her, she realized Branch had his colors. Even though she didn't have hers, she was still happy for him, and gave him a warming smile. Branch knew why she had done that, and Dj kissed him on the cheek. "Well, last night," Poppy began," I was looking out on the park, and I saw Creek with.... another troll." The whole Snack Pack was shocked that Creek had done this. I mean sure he was a jock and they didn't really trust him, but they didn't think he would do something like this. 

The topic changed to Branch gaining his colors back and it managed to cheer Poppy up a little. She was happy for him, and might have even been, feeling something for him, but she pushed it away quickly. She was still terribly depressed at what happened, but Branch always seemed to cheer her up, even when he wasn't even doing anything. 

As they were about to leave for school, Creek walked up. Before he even got there he was receiving evil looks, mainly from Dj, Smidge, and Branch. They were all yelling at him and he knew why. He didn't really care until he saw the state Poppy was in. He knew she would find out eventually, but he didn't think it would effect her this much. He actually stopped being a jerk for a second and ran to Poppy, trying to comfort her. Trying to make her forgive him, but it wasn't going to work. Before he even got to her Poppy raised her head and said something no one ever expected to come out of her mouth. "Fuck you Creek. Don't even try to tell me sorry, because your not. So please, just get the fuck out of my life and never talk to me again." The whole Snack Pack, even Creek, were startled to hear her cuss. Sure, all of them did it sometimes, but Poppy had never done it, ever. She began to cry and Creek said sorry, not meaning it, and left for school, but before he got away, Smidge finally broke free of what was holding her back and used all the strength she had and punched Creek right in the jaw. He fell back landing on his head and groaned in pain. He knew he deserved it, so he wouldn't even try to fight back, especially not against the strongest kid in school.

They all walked to school, and Poppy walked between Branch and Dj. They were both constantly trying to comfort her, and it was working. Her best friend was Dj, and to hear that from her was really nice, and Branch, well... Branch was Branch. HE didn't have to try, she appreciated it. She hadn't really realized that she liked him at all until today. She didn't have a crush on him, but she slightly liked him. They got to school, went through 1st and 2nd period, and then went to lunch. By this time, Poppy had caught the attention of the whole school and everyone was coming to her and trying to make her feel better. 

School let out and they all went to the coffee shop and had there usual round of coffee before Branch and Dj left for the theater. "Alright Branch, i'm your boss. Yay I get to boss my boyfriend around!" She giggled and Branch smiled. "Alright you already know how it works, I showed you before, so lets move on to something else. Dj showed him how to play the movies and everything else that there was to do. They finished work and went outside to see Poppy was sitting on the bench right outside. They both ran up to her and asked why she wasn't home. "Well, I was gonna see if, maybe you or Branch could stay with me tonight. My dad is gone and I don't want to stay alone after what happened last night," She said looking at her scar. Branch and Dj stepped back to talk about it for a second. "Branch listen, I really want to stay with her, but I think you should. You have been through the same thing she has and you can help her more then I can." He nodded in agreement and all three of them walked to Poppy's house. 

Once they got there, Dj cut through the park and saw Chenille sitting there without Satin. Since the day had been so crazy, and The twins still stayed so close together, no one had noticed they were no longer connected. "Oh my gosh, Chenille, why are you..." Chenille interrupted her and told her everything about it. "SO I decided to come out here and think for a while. Satin is at Guy Diamonds house tonight and I didn't want to stay at the house alone, so I was gonna see if maybe I could stay with you." Dj was surprised at this statement, but wasn't going to say no to her third best friend, next to Poppy and Branch. They walked back to the house together and Dj made them a meal and they talked for a while before heading upstairs to go to sleep. "You can sleep with me, or in a guest bedroom, wherever you like." Chenille blushed and admitted it to her. "I'm just gonna tell you this now. I'm lesbian. So I will just sleep downstairs since it will probably make you uncomfortable to sleep with me." Dj stared at her, as if she was reading her mind. "Wait... Chenille, at the slumber party, when you wouldn't admit your crush, was this why." She nodded and Dj ran to her and gave her a hug. "Oh don't worry, i'm sure whoever it is  likes you back." "No, I don't think so." Dj pushed back from the hug and stared her in the eyes. "Why wouldn't they like you. Your amazing, sweet, smart, one of the prettiest girls in school... Your absolutely a catch. Why wouldn't they like you back?" Dj sad trying to cheer her up. Chenille blushed and Dj began to slowly realize who Chenille's crush was. "No, even then she doesn't like me, because she is seeing another guy." Dj turned red and sat down on the bed, staring at her feet. She was Bi, but didn't know what to do. She loved Branch, or did she. She didn't know anymore. They hadn't been dating but for a week, surely if something happened with her and Chenille, Branch would be fine with it, right? What was she thinking, no. She just needed to wait it out and see if anything will happen with her and Chenille, and Poppy and Branch. 

She looked up and saw Chenille staring at her, tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I should just go home, Bye Dj." She began to walk out the door but was stopped when Dj turned her around and gave her a hug. They hugged for a minute and Chenille pulled back. "Listen Chenille, I'm not gonna say I like you, because I don't know if I do, but if something happens between me and Branch and we break up or something, I'm certainly going to remember this moment." Chenille smiled and went downstairs to sleep in the guest bedroom, even though she didn't have to, she just wanted to give Dj time to think. 

As Dj got ready for bed, she couldn't help but wonder what was happening at Poppy's house right now. 

Don't judge the name, it just came to mind and I had to put it there. That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys liked it. I would have included The part at Poppy's house, but the chapter would have been too long so I will put it in a chapter by itself. Remember to comment what you thought. Thanks for reading

Stay Alive, My Friens, It's Worth It

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