Chapter 2: The Sleepover

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Suki and the rest of the Snack Pack walked into Poppy's huge living room. They had all seen it before, but still couldn't believe how big it was. Poppy greeted them at the door. "Hey guys, you ready?" "As ready as we'll ever be," The group said jokingly.

They all went to the top floor of the house, which held only 1 room. The biggest room in the house, Poppy's room. It was the master bedroom, but Peppy was getting old and couldn't make it up the steps so he gave it to Poppy. "Alright, what's 1st," Poppy said excited that she was with her friend's, and her love interest.

Poppy met Creek about 8 months ago when he moved to the neighborhood, and Creek quickly noticed the pretty pink troll that lived down the street from him. He went to her house the day they moved there and he asked her out only 2 weeks later. Poppy thought it was her true love, but, this is high school after all, and she knew that it probably wouldn't last, but was still hopeful, as she loved him.

"How about, Truth or dare," Chenille along with her sister. The Snack Pack quickly agreed, except for Biggie and Smidge, who just wanted to watch. "Alright, i'll go 1st," Poppy said. "Satin, truth or dare?" "Truth" "Ok, Who do you have a crush on?" Poppy said, the getting a better idea. "How about we all admit our crushes." Chenille began to freak out on the inside, as no one, not even her sister, knew she was lesbian. "Ok, well, to be honest, mine would have to be Guy Diamond," Satin said as GD began to blush. "Uh... S-Satin, my crush is... Y-you" GD said looking at her. "Do you mean that, or are you just saying it so you won't hurt my feelings," Satin said staring at GD. "No, no, I mean it, completely, I have for a while, I just didn't know how to tell you." Satin blushed and asked Biggie if he could move so she could sit next to him, making GD blush. "Alright, i'll go," Creek stated," Poppy" "Mines Creek," Poppy said. "Dj, your up," Poppy cooed. "Uh, you guys don't know him, he's new." Everyone but Poppy knew who she was talking about. "Is it that new guy that lives next to Poppy," Biggie said as Poppy was surprised that they had finally shown up. "Uh... M-maybe?" "Oh my gosh are you serious," Satin said trying not to scream. "That's so awesome." Everyone but Chenille "awwed" at Dj who was blushing like crazy. "Alright Chenille, your turn, who's your crush." Chenille just stared at the ground. "Do I have to answer," Chenille said looking up at everyone. "Yes," everyone quickly replied. Chenille didn't want to admit it, as that special troll was in the room, and she would die if anyone found out who it was, especially since her crush didn't seem to like her back. Chenille began to hug her knees and softly cry. Her sister heard it and silently told everyone not to make her say. "Alright, you don't have to, were sorry for pressuring you." Satin knew something was up with her sister, but she didn't know what, but she would soon find out.

By this time, it was 11 and everyone was getting tired and decided to roll out there sleeping bags and go to bed. Satin and Chenille slept far away from everyone, and Satin wanted to talk to her sister, alone. "Hey Chenille, what's up. What happened earlier?" Satin stared at her with caring eyes and Chenille knew she was just trying to help. "It's nothing, i just know that she doesn't like me back." Chenille quickly realized what she said and was hoping her sister wasn't listening too closely, but she knew her sister heard when she opened her eyes and saw her sister staring at her surprised. "Chenille, have you been... keeping something from me?" She questioned Chenille. "I'm lesbian, okay?" Chenille didn't care anymore, as she began to cry. "Chenille, why didn't you just tell me, you know you can trust me, if you don't want anyone to find out, then they won't, I won't tell anyone." "Thanks Satin, but i'm not telling you who it is, yet." She was still softly crying when her sister began to hug her. "It's okay, I don't have to know, i'm just glad you told me." They both went to sleep and awoke at 9 the next morning along with everyone else.

They all got their things together and went back home. Poppy was surprised with what Chenille did, but she didn't question it.

Dj went back to her house and put on a fresh pair of clothes and a new pair of headphones she had gotten for her birthday recently. She still had 30 minutes before she showed her crush around the neighborhood.

Branch awoke to the sound of his alarm and turned it off quickly as he didn't want to wake his mother up. He knew if she woke up he wouldn't be able to go and see the neighborhood, since she usually slept until about 3 in the afternoon. Branch put on his usual attire, jeans, and was going to wear a hoodie, but knew it was too hot, so he would have to find away to make sure Dj didn't notice the cuts. He just on a shirt that said "Can't Stop The Feeling" on it that he received from his sister before she died and he turned grey. The death of his sister was traumatic, as she was usually the one that took care of him, since his mother was usually drunk.

Suki arrived at the door step and was about to knock when the door opened up. "Hey, for future reference, don't knock in the morning. If my mom wakes up, she goes into a rage," Branch chuckled as he said it. "Okay, well, you ready," Dj noticing that he was actually wearing a t shirt and not a hoodie. She didn't read the shirt, as she was too focused on how big Branches arms were. "Dj, you there," Branch said laughing. "Oh, y-yeah, lets go." Dj said blushing.

She showed him around the neighborhood, pointed out all of the snack pack's members houses, and went to show him the park. "And, as you can tell, this is the park, it's where me and my friend's usually hang out. If you want, you can come by anytime if we are outside, or you can come by my house if you want," Suki said looking at the ground. Branch just stared at her, even though she was looking at the ground, he was still amazed at her. "Y-yeah, sounds good, i will remember that, thanks," Branch said unconvincingly.

Dj and Branch went to go sit at a table and talk for a while when she noticed his shirt. "Whoa, I love that song, it's really good to play at parties," Dj said smiling. Branch said thanks and began to stare at his arm again. He didn't mean for her too, but Dj noticed and stared at him in shock. "B-branch, did you c-cut yourself?" She said with a concerned tone. Branch covered up his arm and began to blush. "I'm sorry you weren't supposed to see that, you probably don't wanna talk to me anymore, I will just go back home." Branch just stared at his arm and didn't even notice when Dj went to sit by him. "Branch, why, what happened?" Branch told her the whole story and Dj just looked at him while tears developed in his eyes. "B-branch, im so s-sorry, I shouldn't have asked." Dj scooted closer and gave him a hug. Branch didn't return the favor. "Listen, if you ever need anything, just talk to me, or Poppy." "Who's P-poppy," He said surprised. "She's your neighbor, i'm sure she will drop by later to say hi." Branch was confused as to why she mentioned her, as he had no clue who that was. Branch then noticed that Dj hadn't scooted away when she gave him a hug, and he didn't want her to. He liked the feeling of his new crush sitting close to him. "Well Branch," Dj said getting up," I hope you enjoyed the tour, I have to get back to my place, but I hope I see you around." She gave him a hug, and this time Branch returned the favor, and Dj began to walk away. "Remember, if you need anything, just stop by my place." Dj gave him a flirtatious wink and walked back home. Branch hated himself for doing it, but he couldn't help but stare as she walked away. He then headed back home and was glad to see that his mom wasn't awake yet. Maybe she'll never wake up, Branch thought to himself. He then sat on the couch and waited for the so called "Poppy" to drop by and say hi.

That's it for chapter 2. I am really enjoying writing this story. Remember, this isn't a Broppy fanfic, but it doesn't mean they won't end up together. I don't know if i will make it happen yet or not, so i din't spoil anything. Hope you enjoyed, leave a comment telling me what you thought and if you have any ideas. Thanks for reading

Stay Alive, My Friens

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