Chapter 6: Red Velvet

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Dj went downstairs and made herself and Branch some sandwiches, and the sat in the dining room and ate. Once they were all through, Branch was going to go back up to Dj's room, but was surprised when he turned around and Dj wasn't behind him. He went back downstairs and saw her in the kitchen getting ingredients ready to make something. "Dj, what are you doing, you know you don't have to make something just because i'm here." "I know, that's why your gonna help silly, hope you like red velvet." Branch laughed and joined her downstairs to make the cake. She turned on some music to play in the background as they made the cake. "Alright, we need 3 eggs Dj." Branch recited what the box said and she went to the fridge to get eggs. "Alright, I got them." She cracked them and put them in the bowl and began to stir, as that was the final ingredient. She was surprised, as she had actually never made a cake before, and it was going well. The longer she stirred, the harder it got to stir it. Branch took notice and positioned himself behind Dj and grabbed the spoon with his hand, trying to avoid hand contact as he didn't want to make it awkward, even though that was the easiest way to help. Dj blushed a little when he did it, but made it to where he had to put his hands on hers, so he did, and his face turned the color of the cake they were making. They finished and put the cake in a pan to go in the oven, and then went to sit on the couch to wait for the cake. "Thanks for the help Branch, but why did you make it so awkward, you should have just put your hands on mine the first time." Branch blushed and replied. "Yeah I know, but I didn't want to make it awkward, but I guess I ended up doing that." they both shared a laugh over it and Branch turned red again. "Man, you sure do blush a lot don't you." "Well, not unless i'm around you." Now Dj was blushing as his remark, so they just sat there and stared into each others eyes smiling wide.

"Hey why don't we watch a movie while we wait." They both walked over to the movie shelf, which had over a thousand movies on it, in alphabetical order. They both noticed one that stuck out, Pitch Perfect, and they both reached for it, while their hands collided with each other. They both blushed and pulled away, forgetting to grab the movie. Finally Branch got it and gave it to Dj to put it in. 

Branch sat with his arms crossed at first, but then got an idea. Why don't I put my hand down next to hers, as her hand was on her side. He hesitated for a couple minutes but finally put him hand beside hers, and Dj quickly took notice. She began to slide her hand around his, and Branch felt all of it, but was too scared to move. "Branch, a little help, this was your idea after all." Dj turned to him, smiling, and he gave out an awkward laugh. "Yeah, right... uh." "Oh alright, if I have to do everything," Dj playfully said putting her hand in his. Branch closed his hand on hers and his face turned to velvet. His heart was racing, even though he was only holding her hand. 

About 30 minutes later, the oven beeped signaling that the cake was done. They set in out to cool and then put the icing on, getting a little on there hands. Dj got a bright idea, and smeared a little icing on Branches nose. Branch playfully tried to lick it off of his nose and got a laugh out of Dj. He then got icing on his hands and smeared it on her cheek, and she imitated Branch trying to lick it off. She put more on his cheek and Branch reached to get more icing to put all over her face, but was stopped when Dj grabbed him and kissed him. It was a very intimate kiss and lasted for a good minute. Branch, once again, was the color or the cake, and Dj took notice. "Hey Branch, you know you look just like the cake right now." They both laughed, cut themselves a piece of cake, and went to finish their movie. 

Once they were done, they cleaned up and went to get ready for bed. Branch took a shower downstairs, and Dj took a shower in her bathroom afterwards. Dj had been done for about 30 minutes, but was still in the bathroom. Branch didn't know she was still in the bathroom when the urge hit him. He waited for about 5 minutes before deciding Dj wasn't in her bathroom. He opened the door and quickly closed it. His heart was pounding, and he ran downstairs to catch his breath. 

What am I doing, I can't leave her alone, Branch thought to himself and ran back upstairs into the bathroom. Dj was still there. Laying naked on the ground. It appeared as if she slipped getting out of the shower and hit her head. He couldn't tell anything was wrong when he was looking at hear head. He grabbed her and layed her on the bed, put a towel over her, and was about to call 911 when she opened her eyes. She had no clue what was going on, she sat up and the towel fell over, exposing her chest. She quickly put the towel back on herself covering up her chest and lower body, and realized her face was red velvet. "Branch, what happened?" She rubbed her head while Branch was talking faster then she could understand. "You fell getting out of the shower and I didn't know what to do so i was about to call 911 and you woke up i'm so sorry I had no clue what to do please forgive me I didn't know what to do." He was talking way too fast, but Dj understood and then realized she had a huge headache. She started to rub her head moaning. "Do you need me to take you to the ER." "No, i'll be fine, can you do me a favor. I know I told you not to go through my unmentionables, but now I need you to. Just get me a bra, underwear, and a pair of PJ's, any pair." Branch turned red but agreed and went to get what she asked for. He grabbed the Pj's and put her bra and underwear on top so he didn't have to hold it any longer then he had to. 

"Ok, I know this is gonna be awkward, but I really need you to do this, I don't know if I can." Dj began to tell him that she was going to need help getting dressed, which meant he would have to put her underwear on her, and her bra on her. His face turned redder then it had ever been. He didn't want to, but agreed. He tried to look away while putting them on her, but couldn't because of how he had to put them on. He then helped her get into her pajama's and Branch went downstairs to get her some Advil. He turned out the lights and helped her get under the covers. Finally, he layed in bed and stared at Dj. She turned to face him and had a wide smile on her face. "Ha, you were really red." Dj began to laugh, but was just trying to make him feel better about seeing her naked. "Listen, thank you. I can't thank you enough for helping me. Without you I might still be on the ground. Thank you." Branch knew she meant every word she said, and couldn't do anything but smile. "It was really awkward having to help you put on your clothes, but you needed help, and I wasn't going to make you do it yourself. I care about you too much." Dj lit up and kissed Branch on the lips. Branch scooted closer, and they cuddled with each other and feel asleep quickly. 

Hope you liked the chapter. Hope it wasn't too gross for you. I really enjoy this book. Thank you for reading. Please comment what you thought, whether it's good or bad. 

Stay Alive, My Friens

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