Chapter 4: Broken Glass

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Dj walked back in to the house careful not to be too loud. She went up to Branches room and saw Branch sitting on the bed looking at his scars. "Hey Branch, i'm so sorry about what happened, I wish I could make you feel better." Branch blushed as Dj wrapped her arms around him. "You already have," Branch said smiling down at Dj. Branch then remembered what Poppy told him, that Dj liked him. He liked her back, but he didn't want it to sound like it was Poppy's fault, as he didn't want to get her in trouble with Dj. "Hey Dj, I have a question for you." "Sure Branch, what is it." Dj had no clue what he was going to say to her. "D-do you l-like me?" Dj started blushing and looked down at the ground, and then back up at Branch. "Well... Y-yeah. Do you f-feel the same way about m-me?" Branch then began to blush like crazy and smiled back at her. "Yes."

Dj felt herself light up and gave him another hug and a kiss on the cheek. Branch blushed and offered her something to eat. "Sure, whatever you want is fine," Dj said still happy about Branch liking her back. Branch went downstairs to get some sandwiches for them and walked back upstairs. He opened the door to his room and saw Dj was now changing into her pajamas, as she didn't care what Branch thought about them. She had on nothing but her bra and underwear. Branch quickly closed the door trying to be as quiet as possible. Dj knew Branch accidentally walked in on her changing but wasn't going to let him know she knew. Yet. 

Branch waited about a minute before walking back into his room. Luckily, she had on all her clothes, this time. She still wore the usual headphones, as she only took them off to sleep. Branch walked in with the sandwiches, still blushing from seeing her. "I-i got the s-s... Sandwiches, hope y-you like PB and J." Dj saw that he was red and nervous, so she didn't want to bring it up, yet. "I love it, thanks Branch." 

Dj and Branch ate and talked for 3 hours until it was about 10. They talked about there families, good memories, and everything in between. Dj noticed that Branch was beginning to lighten up a bit, as his body turned a lighter shade of grey. Dj then decided to bring up him seeing her half naked. Why, she didn't know, but she wanted to say it. "Hey Branch, I know you saw me when I was changing earlier." Branch got as red as he possibly could and looked down at the ground. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I looked away as soon as I saw, I'm sor-" He was interrupted by Dj.  "Did you like what you saw?" Dj said laughing, trying to make him feel better, but some part of her wanted him to answer. "What can I say, your beautiful. Not just when your naked. I... I mean, all the time." He was still looking at the ground unsure of her reaction when he felt her hand on his chin. She lifted him up and smiled. "Thank you Branch, it means a lot." Dj meant what she said but Branch didn't know if she did, so he began to look down before he was stopped by Dj. She was pressing her lips against his, kissing him, and Branch was unsure for about a second, but gave in and kissed her back. 

After 10 seconds or so, they both pulled away and Branch knew she meant it. He felt himself get happier by the second, though his colors didn't come back. All he could do was blush and smile. But he was interrupted when he heard his mothers door open. "Quick, go hide in the closet," Branch whispered to Dj. She went to the closet and closed the door, but had it slightly open so she could see if anything happened.

Downstairs, Branches mother was getting another glass of wine when she noticed that there was none left. She automatically thought it was Branch, even though it was her but she just forgot. She instead grabbed a beer and stormed up the stairs, put her beer in her room, and went to Branches room and shoved the door open, banging it against the wall leaving a small dent. "Branch, what the HELL!" His mother screamed in complete anger. "I KNOW YOU DRANK THE REST OF THE WINE!!!" Branch knew he didn't but rather his mother had forgotten that she drank it. He began to correct her, which was a mistake. "But mom, you were the one who drank it, you just don't re-" His mother had thrown the wine glass at her son, but he dodged it. It his his wall and broke, but a piece of it went partially into his arm. "OWWW" Branch yelped in pain. "Oh come on, I didn't even hit you, you want me to!?" Branch was going to say no but his mother instead went up to him and slapped him across the face, and when he got back up, slapped him again, on the left side, where his bruise was. He fell to the ground crying and his mother went out of the room and slammed her door. 

Branch layed on the ground crying his eyes out, as he was in a lot of pain. He had forgotten that Dj was in the closet, and she saw the whole thing. She ran out the closet and went to Branch, and saw his face was bleeding and his arm was covered in blood from the piece of glass. She ran to the bathroom, hoping there was a medicine cabinet. She found one and got rubbing alcohol, band aids, and a cloth to wipe the blood with. She knew how to handle these kinds of situations as her mother was a nurse. She went to Branch, who was still on the ground crying, and wiped up the blood. "Alright, this is gonna hurt." She poured rubbing alcohol on the cut and Branch screamed in pain. She then pulled the glass out, which luckily didn't go deep into his arm. She poured more alcohol on the cut and pushed down on it, attempting to make it stop bleeding. 

After about 30 minutes, it had stopped bleeding, while his face stopped a while ago, but was swelling up. She knew she needed to get an ice pack, but couldn't until the bleeding stopped. She pulled the cloth back, saw it was done bleeding, and bandaged him up. She then ran downstairs to get an ice pack. She was going to give it to Branch, but she hadn't noticed that he was unconscious. She picked him up, which took a try or two, and layed him on the bed. She kept the cloth on the cut and held the ice pack on his face, and set his alarm for 7. School didn't start until  9:30, but she needed to get up early in case Branch was still unconscious. 

She woke up to the alarm, and looked at Branch, and almost cried at what she saw. His face wasn't swollen, but it was bruised badly. She took the cloth off of the cut and was glad to see the cut was healing good. She said something in Branches ear, and he awoke not knowing where he was. He looked around confused for a minute until he saw Dj. "Suki, d-did you fix me u-up," Branch said weakly. "Well yeah, I couldn't just leave you there to bleed out." Branch smiled and tried to get up, but couldn't use his right arm, as it was still hurting from the glass. "Dj, I can't thank you enough for helping me." Dj gave him a sideways smile and said, "Don't worry, i'm just glad your awake." "You know," Branch began, "There's one thing that could make me feel better." Dj looked at him confused. "What." Branch pulled her in for a kiss and she gladly gave in. It hurt his cheek, but he didn't care. He was kissing his crush, nothing could make this moment better, besides maybe not having a cut arm and bruised face. They kissed for what seemed an eternity, when Dj pulled away. "So, are you gonna go to school today or stay home." "If I stay home, my mom will yell at me, so I'm going to school." Dj was happy to hear it. "Ok, well i'm fixing to get ready. I'm gonna change first, look away if you want, I don't care." Dj gave him a seductive smile and began to change. He looked until she took off her bra, as he didn't want to make it weirder that it already was. Dj changed in his direction and when she took off her bra, was honestly somewhat disappointed that he looked away. She changed and helped Branch change. "Alright, turn around when I take my boxers off, or don't, I don't care." Branch said imitating Dj. Dj looked away when he took his boxers off and went to the bathroom to finish getting ready. Once they were both ready, they went to the park to wait on the rest of the Snack Pack. 

There you go, chapter 4. I don't know if I will ever make something happen between Dj and Branch, but if I do, I don't describe it much and there will be a warning at the top. Thanks for reading. Remember to comment and tell me what you thought. 

Stay Alive, My Friens 

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