Chapter 8: Light

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Branch looked at the invitation. It was from Poppy. It was a party that was happening on Saturday. "Branch it's not your average high school party. There won't be any alcohol or drugs or anything." Branch was relieved to hear that, as he thought of the parties he used to be forced to go to with his mom. Branch put the card down and picked up the note. It was folded about 6 times so he unfolded it to read what it said

Dear Branch,

So I know this is a little weird, getting a note from me, but I hope you like it. Look, your not my first relationship, I have dated about 4 other guys. That might sound intimidating, but none, and I mean NONE of them come close to the way I feel about you. We have only known each other for about a week, but this has been one of the best weeks of my life. Branch, I like you a lot, i'm not sure i'm in love with you yet, but if things keep going this way, I think I might be soon. Branch, I know you don't have your colors, ad I don't know how, but I will help you get your colors back, me, and the whole Snack Pack, except for Creek. We all love you as a friend. You have done nothing bad to prove us wrong. Your an amazing boyfriend and I hope one day soon you will have your colors back. 

Branch looked up at Dj and was basically crying. He ran to her and gave her a huge hug. "Thank you so much. You have no clue what all of you mean to me. I didn't have any friends at my old school. I was an outcast after I lost my colors. No one wanted to talk to me, but you, Poppy, and all of your friends have helped me. Thank you." Dj just smiled at it and Branch pulled back wondering what she was smiling at. "Our friends Branch, not mine, ours." Branch felt as is he was going to gain his colors back. He knew it would come soon, but not this soon. He looked at Dj and smiled. "Dj, I think it's time you know why I lost my colors," Branch said nervously. Branch led her to the bed and began to talk. "About 2 years ago, My sister was the one raising me. My mother wasn't a good mother at all, and i'm surprised my sister lived through it. One night, she went to a party with some friends. On the way back, she was the one driving, as she didn't have anything to drink. When she turned down the road our house was on, A driver didn't see her and ran into them as 50 miles an hour. There were 4 people in the car, and 1 was killed instantly. The others died soon after, but my sister stayed strong. We were all surprised she was still alive,and doing better. The day she was supposed to get out of the hospital, she had a heart attack and died, while I was sitting next to her. I had no clue what to do, so i just sat there weeping. She could have been saved, but I was too dumb to go get a doctor. I just sat there like the idiot I am crying my eyes out. Her funeral was the next week, but I didn't go, I blamed myself for her dying, and my mom didn't go because she was too drunk. That night, she abused me. She cut me, with a knife. It wasn't bad because i dodged most of it. But that night I lost my colors along with all my friends any any family I had. It's y fault she's dead. why do I deserve to live. My sister was innocent. She would still be here if I was never born." Branch turned away and mumbled under his breath. "Maybe I should just kill myself, it's not like anyone would care."

Dj heard him, and put her arms around him crying. "B-branch... D-don't you ever s-say that. I don't w-wanna lose you, none of us d-do. We a-all love you so much B-branch." Branch looked over at her, smiling wide. "Thanks Dj..." That's all he could get out before he noticed a bright light appearing around the base of his feet. It traveled up his body until he was completely covered. Dj just sat in amazement. Dj hugged him tightly not wanting to let go. "See Branch, we all love you, especially me. Branch, I know I wasn't gonna say it, but I feel it's time. Branch, I love you." Branch lit up even more then he already was. "I love you, too." They both kissed each other for a while before laying down to go to sleep. 

I know it's shorter then usual, but its late where I live and I'm tired. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I look forward to writing more. Thanks for reading and remember to comment what you thought. 

Stay Alive, My Friens, It's worth it 

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