Chapter 5: A Note

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Poppy was the first to meet them at the park, and immediately saw the bruise on Branches face had gotten much worse. "Oh my gosh, Branch, What happened. I'm having a hard time believing that you just 'fell in the bathroom.'" Branch decided it was time to tell her about Creek and his mom. Dj just sat there, tears streaming down her face, even thought she already knew about what happened with his mom. Poppy, on the other hand, got a little mad. "Poppy, p-please don't tell Creek. He will just punch me a-again." Branch pleaded to Poppy, but she wouldn't hear it. "No, he can't get away with what he did to you. If something like this happens again, I might have to break up with him. I don't want to date a bully."

Creek was the next one there, and he sat by Poppy, but she quickly went to the other side of the table and sat by Dj. "Poppy what's wrong?" "You know what you did, to Branch. How could you do that!?" Creek gave Branch a dirty look. "Because I thought he was trying to steal you from me, and I couldn't let that happen. I don't want to lose you." Creek knew he was lying, as he was only dating her for appearance, but Poppy didn't know this yet. "Creek, that doesn't make it better. Yes, I still love you, but don't let it happen again. If you do, were through." Creek once again gave Branch a dirty glare and then began to stare at the ground. Once everyone else came. He explained what happened to them, too. They all tried to stay far away from Creek for the rest of the day, including Poppy. 

After the uneventful time at school, they all went to the coffee shop and had coffee. Dj ordered Branch a cup this time, and Dj gave him a smile. Branch didn't know why, but he felt himself lighten up again. Is she going to be the one that helps me get my colors back, Branch though to himself. Dj and Branch left after only 10 minutes because Dj had to go to work and tell her boss about Branch. 

Branch waited outside of the old fashion theater, slightly worried he might not get the job, until Dj came out with a big smile on her face and a uniform in her hands. "You got the job. For the 1st 3 months, you will only work when I work, then we will begin to have separate shifts, but we will still have some together. You start tomorrow, I'm working until 8 tonight." She began to walk back inside telling Branch bye when she felt his arm turn her around. "Hey, I just realized I haven't gotten your number yet, so, I was wond-" He was interrupted when Dj quickly began to recite her number to him. "I'm not saying it again, hope you got that." Dj laughed and went back inside. Luckily, he somehow remembered the number. 

Instead of going back to the coffee shop to hang out with the Snack Pack, he went back home, which was about a 15 minute walk. 

When he got home, he was surprised that his mother wasn't home. He went to the fridge and saw that all the alcohol was gone. He looked around for a clue as to where she might be, until he saw a note on his door. 

Dear Branch

I am going to be gone for about a month because I am back home visiting with our family. Your grandpa is very sick, and grandma is in no shape to help him, so i am helping him. Don't come to me or you will be in a lot of trouble. I left enough money on your bed to last you a month. $500. Spend it on food and things you need, and if there is any left over, you can have it. Also, I took all of the alcohol with me since you like to drink it and can't be trusted with it. See you in a month. 

Love, Mom

A lot of things were going through Branches head. Why is she taking care of grandpa, she's always drunk. Why can't grandpa just go to the hospital. Why does my mom think i'm the one drinking all the beer when it's really her. He was feeling mixed emotions, and decided to just watch a movie until Dj got back from work.

Branch was sitting at her doorstep waiting on her to get home, as it was already 8:20, and she would be home any minute. He saw a red maroon figure walking up to her house, not realizing Branch was there. She was startled to see Branch. "Oh... Hey, whatcha doing here?" Branch didn't know how to tell her. "Well, my mom is gone for a month and it gets kinda lonely at the house, so I was gonna see if it was okay if I stayed with you until your parents get back. When will they get back?" "12 days." Branch was relieved that he could possibly stay with her. "So, is it okay. It's fine if I can't." "Well yeah it's fine, I would love it if you stayed." She realized she was being a little too excited at the thought of staying with Branch for a little under 2 weeks, but she couldn't keep it in. "Great, i'm gonna go get my things and I will be here in a few." Branch ran back to his house and Dj went upstairs to change out of her uniform. She was so excited for him to stay with her. 

About 15 minutes later, she heard the doorbell and knew it was Branch so she ran downstairs to see who it was, and sure enough. "Hey Branch, I already have everything ready for you to stay. Where are you gonna sleep?" Branch looked a little confused, as he could see a guest bedroom that was open from the door. "Well, I guess i'm gonna sleep in the guest room." He began to walk to the room when Dj ran in front of him and closed the door. "Try again, where are you gonna sleep." Branch knew what she meant now, but still wanted to play around with her, so he walked around until he found another guest bedroom, and the door quickly closed to that one. He laughed and Dj said "Try again," trying not to laugh. He went upstairs and found her parents bedroom and walked to the door. "Branch, no, your definitely not sleeping in there." Dj chuckled and Branch walked to Dj's room, and was surprised the door didn't close in front of him. "Good guess, now, where do you wanna sleep. On the ground, or in the bed with me." Dj gave him a sly smile and once again, Branch knew what she meant. "Well, you slept with me last night, it would only be right if I returned the favor." They both laughed at Dj went to get ready for bed, even though she had no intentions of going to bed anytime soon. 

Branch set his stuff down and Dj walked up to him. "Hey, i'm gonna call my parents and see if it's okay if you stay, plus I just wanna call them" Branch nodded and Dj went downstairs to talk to her parents. 

While Dj was gone, Branch began to grow curious as to what secrets the white walled room held. He noticed the bed with orange sheets on it, the bathroom that was colored a darker shade of red, and a few things here and there, but something caught his eye. He walked over to the nightstand and saw a drawer was opened, but it didn't have any clothes in it. He opened it and saw about 13 pairs of headphones in the drawer with one missing. He was about to walk away when he saw a pair of headphones was placed in the drawer by a maroon hand and he turned and saw Dj standing there. "You know, it's not very nice to go through a girls unmentionables." Branch was a little scared and replied. "N-no... it's not that... I s-saw the drawer was p-partially open, so i got curious. I wouldn't ever go through your clothes. I-i... I knew it wasn't clothes before the drawer o-opened." Branch was slightly shaking when Dj smiled at him, and made him grow even more nervous. "Relax, it's okay, I know you wouldn't do that, right?" She laughed but could tell Branch was still nervous, so she gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug. Branch looked up and was surprised. He knew she took her headphones off, but he hadn't noticed how beautiful she looked without them. "Y-you look b-b... beautiful without your headphones on. I i... I mean, you always look beautiful, but." Dj just smiled at him and gave him another kiss, this time on the lips. He gave in and kissed her back, before remembering why she went downstairs and pulling back. "So, what did they say?" Branch said curiously. "They said it was fine, as long as we didn't do anything stupid." Branch was relieved when she said that and didn't hear Dj whisper something to herself. "But what they don't know won't hurt em."

They're you go, Chapter 6... Hope you liked it, remember to comment what you thought... thanks for reading.

Stay Alive, My Friens

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