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The night was thankfully warm, yet it whipped at my face. I closed my eyes as they were started to water a while ago. The smell of warm vanilla has not yet left, my stomach were making those flips again. I clutch onto some piece of fabric of my capturer, for they were holding me in bridal style. For a moment I could see my real family, when my father took care of me. I settled my head on the chest of the man. Rikuo was didn't hesitate in what he was doing as he did this, though I did hear his heart speed up some. My only family were my platoon, that is all no one else.

Rikuo is staring at me, why does he not kill me. oh probably because he is human, though why does he take care of me too. I am not worthy of this type of treatment, my only place is on the field."Haruka what is wrong? I know something is so do not deny it." He walked through many people while not being seen."Why do they not see you?" I crossed my legs and silently placed them on my lap expecting for an answer."My fear, basically disables those people to see me properly. So I become invisible." Wow I have not heard of something like that. " Does every yokai have this 'fear'?" He smiled at me as I looked at him in amazement, who wouldn't. Being able to do a lot of things when you are basically invisible and I have never seen his real smile." Yes, every yokai has it. No matter how small it is, it yours to call your own." I felt us stop, in which I did not mind at all. We had a little staring at each other until I realize what position we are in and what I am holding onto. " I am sorry that I griped onto your clothes, um can you put me down?" I gotten embarrassed again not like this is my first time but it makes me seems weak. So I can use this to my advantage and kill him. totally, nothing else for sure.

"Anyways this is where you go and have the best games. Though I just want to relaxation." I think my eyes had brighten when I heard games. I want to play that one game chick, no. Um maybe chiss, no...oh chess! Yes I want to play that. "Rikuo can I play that game, chess!" My voice had gone down to a whisper in this place. The music in some places where blasting my ear drums, while other customers were playing. I shifted my gaze to Rikuo who had now gone to sit in a booth. He had his eyes on his newly served sake, but they soon shifted towards me. "Sure just stay within my eye sight." I am so happy right now, I took calculated steps approaching the game board. The other games didn't catch my attention then the one who had rough looking guys."Boys do you mind if I join? A small match or two won't hurt right?" I put on my best innocent look while keeping my eyes on the foul yokais before me. They all smiled a smile I am very familiar with, the kind that would try to rape you at any given time. This ought to be fun. I looked at Rikuo who has his full attention on me. I waved at him and pointed at where my location is. Without a second thought I turned my focus to them. "Who wants to go first I will let you take the first move too." 

My mind started to think of many situations in which I could trap the king.  This is going to be quiet fun. A green haired yokai who had a scaly skin sat down and the other two were on each side of me."Before we get started how about making some bets, it shall benefit the winner. Even though I am an amateur." I let my sweet voice go to their heads, I made extra sure I looked nervous. The yokai exchanged glances at each other and they all put in 253(u.s) dollars. " I will bet my body." I will win, in fact I bought the same game and practiced with Tsuchi. He had known chess before I bought the game. Anyways the guys were whispering really loudly about if he won they would make the best out of me. Hopefully they meant eating because that is so much better then what men do.

"Lets get started! As I promised you will go first." The guy, who was white moves his pawn to F3. Okay let's see what his next move is after I put my pawn to E5. I smirked when he put his second pawn to G4."Alrighty show me the money." I placed my queen to H4, "There is no escape from this, it is check mate." I grabbed the 253 dollars and put it in my jacket pocket. "Hey! That is not fair. " Oh hell no. He did not just use that card, hehe let do some bidding."Alright, then you think you are good enough. I mean look at you, your big body, that masculine face, those blue eyes and hair of your. You look like a winner." The bait is set, I can already see his ego going through the roof. Not literally of course, but he then he put in 300 dollars."My offer still stands, but I want the white now." The man just spat out 'whatever'  while turning the board 180 degrees clockwise. I however just made my first move not bothering on consulting with the ugly man. I placed my pawn on E4, while he responded to putting his pawn on E5. If he goes where I think he will then I am going for the kill! I placed my queen to F3, and then the fugly moved another pawn to F5. Alright almost done I moved the right bishop to C4. He moved the pawn that was on F5 to take out my pawn in E4. Then I moved my Queen to F7." Thank you, have a nice day." I quickly moved my new money within my other jacket pocket.

"No no no.You are not going anywhere." The first man I spared with griped my arm hard, well there will now be bruises there, thank you very much." What it was a deal! I know that you do not want to get on my bad side." I yanked my arm away when another  guy went behind me. I slipped out of the triangle block with my new money of course. That was when I decided to go to Rikuo, geez I do not want to kill at the moment, I might lose the money. "Rikuo, how are you?" I swiftly sat down by him while making eye contact. He then raised his eyebrow,"So did you have some fun? I saw those guys what did you do?" My lips had turned into a half smile as i let out little laugh,"I made a little money, fairly. Yet they want more." I took his martini and took a sip." Yes I do want more than meets the eye too." I blushed and looked in the actual martini, an olive and this transparent blue liquid, it is amazingly good. "Haruka it is getting late we shall take out leave."  Really it is only 1:00. "Alright I got what I wanted, some fun!" My voice started to fade out at the end, when I looked at the yokai I played with. Rikuo also saw the guys who looked like they were ready to pounce. 

Rikuo put an arm around me, the smell of warm vanilla  instantly invading  my scents. "Rikuo, could you show me some other games?" I was half curious as to what other games I was in the dark about, also the ways I could get some more money." Of course, but that is for another time alright my little Haruka." I could tell the footsteps coming towards us, not enough to accuse anyone of following, until i tried to turn my head behind me . Keyword tried, I think Rikuo did it to me. I lifted my gaze off of the cement sidewalk towards Rikuo's face. Why am I with a man like him, he is taking care of me for some reason. Why? "Haruka, you go on the bench that we are approaching." He seems different, more fearful. I just nodded not fully grasping the situation. The night had turned cold and bitter. The sidewalks were mostly abandoned  besides the few drunk here and there. I had put on my jacket to fight off the coldness that tried to seep into my bones. Rikuo's kimono was swaying in the wind as he slowly approached the group of male yokai. 

He stoped a few feet from them, clearly on high alert but looked casual. The distance was too large for me, even if I had great hearing the harsh winds muffled out the voices. The men started to laugh and pass him all though Rikuo did not look in the slightest happy. Infected he looked enraged, man I feel bad about those guys they are going down. They soon advance toward me with confidence practical built into their footsteps. That's when it happened...

The blood started spurt over onto the ground. This is like my past, blood, sex, money, fighting. I am being consumed by my old habits again. It is happening all over again.... who will help me now?

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