Familiar Guest

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The night felt like a dream, except that I was in a bed with rikuo laying next to me. My memory was really fuzzy after I started to drink a lot of sake. My eyes were hard to keep them open so I rubbed my eyes gently. I felt really warm, more than I usually do. Probably due to Rikuo sleeping next to my. Well than when did he think coming into my bed was appropriate. Well what ever, I do wonder why is he in his night form? I brought up my hands onto rikuo's face. I then brought my hands down to his chest then his arms. I brought together my pointer finger and thumb to pinch the skin on his arm.

"OW!" Rikuo yelped and quickly sat up revealing his bare chest. He looked at me while laying next to me again."Oi, why did you do that? I was comfortably sleeping next to you." I myself sat up and then stand my back facing him." How about you tell me why you are in your night form." I took a look at myself in the full body mirror. Why do they seem to change me into different clothes? I was currently wearing black shorts and red t-shirt." Oh did I not tell you? I have finally full control of my forms! Though sometimes I do change to go to school, or when I am tired." I felt hands around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. I blushed a bit as I heard him talk a bit more about himself. It is just my hormones," Why did you say I was your girlfriend? I felt like I had no say in that matter!" I crossed my arms while looking away from Rikuo's face. I heard a chuckle which was the  most beautiful thing in the world." That is because I love you." Great but we only met for a short time." Idiot, we only met for a little while yet you say I am suppose to be with you forever." 

Do you know how many bad things I have done. If only you knew about them you would despise me. Killed practically hundreds maybe thousands of yokai and humans alike. I tortured and blackmailed people, along with breaking people's mind and bodies. I selfishly myself all the way to the top. How am I suppose to break this down to him." Yes, is that a problem? No matter how many mistakes you make, I still love you." should I tell him and save me the heartache, or should I tell him later and let me be a mess? I would prefer the former rather the latter. But it is hard to speak about that, I still get nightmares from those."Rikuo what if I told you I did things, bad, bad things. Would you still love me?" Would you love me with my blood covered hands? "I would Haruka. What happen? I know something is on your mind." It is now or never," Rikuo what if I told you I kill people?"

 I broke away from his grasp forcefully, I walked towards my backpack convineately place on the table near the bed." I would be fine with it. But why would you ask a question like that?" I felt my heart beat against my chest, this only happens before I cry." Why would you be fine with me killing people?" My voice had now begun to be wobbly, oh no not here. Please god not here, I don't want to break down now!" That is because you would have an explanation. Self defense or not." I felt my face get warm around my eyes." Because I did kill people. Yes I did! Tortured yokai and humans! Check! Black mailed others! Check! Used others for my own damn benefits! Check and check, checkity check!" My voice came blasting out at Rikuo. My own tears have fallen on my check, while I sit on the floor next to the bed and wall. During my outburst I covered my face and rolled up into a ball.I am not suppose to reveal this information, what is wrong with me? 

I felt a warming embrace surround me and comforting me. Why does he do these things to me? I do not deserve this treatment." You know Haruka. Do you know why I truly taken liking to you?"  I shook my head at the sudden question he gave me. How the hell would I know?" Well... because I saw how much you have gone through.  I saw it in your alluring eyes, that captivated me. I have too killed many yokai, so don't you even think that you are horrible." I feel touched, who knew that my first boyfriend is a yokai. I started to whisper with my raw voice," I like you too. I will agree to being your girlfriend." I let go of my legs and looked up at Rikuo. That is until something happened.

"Rikuo, breakfast is ready. Also there are three humans demanding there presence to you." 

"Ah. I will meet them at the front gate, and then I shall go to eat breakfast. Alright mother."

3rd POV

Rikuo swiftly went to the front gate in his day form. There is no need to show off his night form to other humans if they were enemies. When Rikuo changed into his day form he had switched to a tan and brown kimono. Most of the yokai under his rule are in the dining room eating breakfast, yet there were some who looked out for any enemies or just hanging. Now let us see what we have here, hopefully they do to find out that yokai live here. His slim fingers reached for the handles to opening the gate.

"Ne, Sin when can we go inside I am bored out here." An uptight voice had rung out eliminating the other two. "Wow! Even you are bored. And I thought that you were the adult in the group. Haha!" This time there was a mischievous voice that was directed towards the former." At least I am not a sadist. Satsuma  behaves more mature than you." What am I going to do with humans like these.

"Sorry for the wait. If you would follow me I will take you to the master." Rikuo's voice interrupted their little dispute, successfully catching their attention." Oi, I need to see a man named Rikuo Nura."  The young Rikuo's eyes were wide with disbelief. How would they know me, and what is with the guy with blonde platinum hair? "Who might you be?" Another man stepped in front of the blonde hair man, though he was wearing a tie and a sweater vest. " We want to get Haruka. We are her family." The black haired male was guided through the mansion along with the other three males. "We will be going to the meeting room there I will be  getting Haruka and Master Rikuo." 

Satsuma and Sin are on the sides and the other member in the middle. The formation that their boss had taught them when they were in enemy territory. Tsuchi was currently on high alert but was in his own thoughts, looking at the mysterious boy in front of him. Sin though was cautious of his surroundings looked quiet comfortable. However Satsuma's  orange like eyes were darting all over the place inspecting the place, trying to memorize his surroundings. "Please wait in this room I will be right back." The young boy showed the guest the meeting room, and darted out of the room.  How do those people know Haruka? Rikuo was in front of the door way to the dinning room, not quiet sure how to handle this situation.

You know I could always take over, during these situations. Rikuo was nervous he had Haruka on his side as well as the leaders of the strike team. You would probably try to fight with these innocent people! At the moment Rikuo was heading back into the meeting room while negotiating with himself. No I will not, only if they prove themselves that they are enemies. Taking two lefts and a right he finally decided to changed to his night form when he got to the rendezvous point.

"Rikuo are you alright? You have been tense during this time." The raven haired girl glanced at Rikuo curiously. Rikuo felt himself relax at the mention of how tense he was." Sorry Haruka I am just thinking. Nothing to worry about." His hand on her shoulder was enough to trusts words. Yet there was something I the back of her mind that was nagging her.

The door swung open revealing night Rikuo and his companions. Everyone was seated, though the quest were on edge by the unworldly aura they gave off. The master kept  Haruka next to him, " Now do you mind telling me what you guys are doing in my mansion?" Rikuo's demanding voice came out slightly startling the young Satsuma. " We are here to get Haruka, we have business with her." A blonde hair man spoke up clearly not effected by the intimidating aura Rikuo gave off. 

That was when Haruka looked up from her lap to the quest in front of her. It seemed her  at the disbelief.

"Tsuchi! Sin! Satsuma! what are you guys doing here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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