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Aphmau's POV

"Really?" I stared at the mess in my kitchen. "For real? Can't you guys clean up after your mess?" I turned around to face the boys, putting my hands on my hips.

The kitchen looked like it had just went through a hurricane. They was pancake mix all in they floor, on the wall, and don't even ask me how it got on the freakin' ceiling. Most of the food that was in the fridge was pulled out, and was most likely now spoiled.

"Hey it wasn't me," Max looked around. "It was Barney!" he pointed at Barney, accusing him for the mess.


"Okay calm down you guys. I'll just go to the store and pick up some more groceries, but by the time I get back this mess better be cleaned up." I said sternly before grabbing my phone, mask, and wallet to walk out the door. I decided to walk to the store it wasn't that far away just a block away from the house.

"Hey! Aphmau!" I turned around to find that werewolf guy who was at Aaron's house.

"Ein, right?" I asked.


"Well, it's nice to meet you." I said with a totally fake smile. To be honest I don't like this guy. At school he tried to talk to me a few times, but I blew him off.

"Where you going?" God can this guy stay out of my business.

"Going to the store." I responded flatly. "Could stay out of my business." I added. He seemed a little taken back by my choice of words.

"Um, I gotta go." He mumbled. He seemed hurt but I could care less, there was something off about him. But I couldn't place my finger on it.
Oh well.

When I walked into the store I froze.

I can smell them. (It's sorta like a 6th sense I have since I was raised in the Irene dimension.)

Shadow knights.

Why would they be here especially in a grocery store?!

I took a another whiff of the air to find where they were that way I could avoid them. They shouldn't be able to sense me, as long as I have my mask on. I walked to the back of the store and grabbed a gallon of milk. Then I looked for the pancake mix, because if I don't I know the guys would just throw a fit. Once I found the pancake mix I set in the buggy with the milk. I sniffed the air. I noticed the shadow knights were no longer here. Thank goodness. I grabbed the rest of the things we needed, paid for them, and walked out of the store.

I was walking on the sidewalk, carrying three grocery bags filling with the things I just purchased.

I heard foot steps behind be. I sniffed the air.

It was them. The shadow knights they were following me, but why they shouldn't be able to sense me. I have my mask on? So why..?

I stayed at a steady pace while walking. Maybe they wouldn't know I knew they were behind me.

"We know it's you." One of them said from behind me.

Well damn.

I turned around slowly, "Are you talking to me?" I pointed at them and then at myself. They just looked at each other confused. They sniffed the air.

"Yep, it's definitely you." The girl with white hair and purple eyes said.

"I knew it." Said the young man standing in the middle of the other two shadow knights. He was fairly attractive with black hair and deep blue eyes. The third one just stood there not saying anything.

"I'm Gene, that's Sasha and Zenix."

I glanced at all of them one last time. I smirked and looked at the ground and laughed. They looked at me like I had gone crazy.

"Good luck!" I said. I turned on my heels, dropped my bags, and booked it down the side walk. I ran for awhile. Once I felt as if I ran away far enough I stopped to take a breather. I looked behind me to make sure they weren't following me.


I jumped and screamed.

"You scared me!" I said a little too dramatically.

"Heh, your mother must have been a horrible teacher."

"Yea, what was she a pig."

"Irene, was never fit to rule the realm."

They're getting on my nerves!

"Shut up." I said balling my fists at my sides.

"Did we hit a nerve?" The girl smirked.

I sneered at them, "Leave me the hell alone." I tried to keep walking, but they blocked me in.

"Why leave so soon?" Gene smirked sheepishly.

"I'm warning you!"

I'm gonna crack if they keep this up!

"Warning us from what, a stupid child who thinks she's to good for anyone." Zenix shrugged.

I was so close to bursting when Someone stood protectively in front​ of me.

"Don't," I realised it was Aaron, because of his voice. "You touch her and your dead." He boomed yet still held a quite serious face.

"Who are you? Her boyfriend?" Now it was Gene's turn to sneer at us.

"Who I am to her is none of your business." Aaron said calmly. He held a hand in front of my body which stood behind him.

Why is Aaron here?! And why is he doing this he's just human he'll get hurt?!

"What are you doing? I can handle this myself." I said, glaring at the back of his head.

"Your really doing a good job at that." He glanced at me slyly before putting his attention back to the three in front of us. I scoffed at his sarcasm.

"We don't have time for this nonsense! See you later princess." Gene put venom in his words.

"Let's get out of here." said Sasha.

"Agreed," Zenix nodded.

And just like that they were gone.


Well that was interesting wasn't it?

Anywhooo hope you enjoyed!

Thank you.

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