Chapter 32: Connection

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(P.Tsuna)- O.World

Reborn walked into his student's room and saw a rare particular sight.

Tsuna was surrounded under mountain of stacked books, scattering papers and a laptop by his side. He was laying on the bed with another book left on his face. Is he doing somekind of research? That Dame-Tsuna is actually studying for a change?

It feels like it's gonna snow tonight.

Of course, his odds behaviour had Reborn guessing his recent changes might not all because of an memory loss. Maybe something similar or just completely an entirely different cause.

He had been observing him but so far nothing could serve as an explaination for this series of changes.

It was his duty to monitor and train him to become Decimo. Usually, even if the boy were sick in bed he'd still make him undergoing some harsh training. But recently, Reborn had been cutting him some slacks.


Because it felt meaningless. Reborn couldn't understand the reason either but he thinks there's else matter is much importance at the moment. Like digging the information about this sudden appearance of Dame-Tsuna long lost childhood friend.

His face looks so familiar. But Reborn couldn't remember when or where he saw him before.

For some reason, finding out the boy identity tooks a lot more effort then it should. Currently, Giannini is working on crossing some government files and cracking the system.

Mikage Edelweiss.

Is he an ally or enemy?

It's safer to find out the answer soon before something more unpleasant happened.

When Reborn took a step, a paper was stuck under his shoes.

Geez... One of the most annoying thing about this changes, is he hardly kept this place properly organized. Making mess seems like his hobby now.

Reborn picked up a piece of paper near him. Curious, as of what his student's so relentlessly trying to find. Unfortunately, he couldn't understand a thing due to the boy poor handwriting. It's all looks like gebbish to him.

Since when did his handwriting become so ugly?

He'll need some serious penmanship training later...

Reborn narrow his eyes then suddenly realized, some of the letters actually looks like alphabet.

Is this English?

His student's who barely got 41 passing mark for that foreign language is using the same language to write his research?

A person with, maybe memory loss don't just suddenly could speak in other language... Well, if his brain were in normal conditions that is. He heard about a patient having troubles speaking when a part of their brain was damage. Well, just in case, he's gonna tell Shamal to do a quick check up on the boy later.

"Oi, Dame-Tsuna, wake up"

Tsuna stirred in his sleep, slowly rose and the book on his face plopped on his side. "Hnn... What time..?" He yawned.

"Already past nine, Maman is cleaning up the table so you better grab breakfast soon"

"..Oh, okay," he replied lazily, scratching his head with a daze looks.

Reborn gaze stays on the brunette, the infant felt so.... indifferent. It's like they're not related whatsoever. It's like talking to another person.

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