Preview ( Partners with HIM?!?!?!?!?!?!)

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Y/n pov

After my beautiful nap after passing out and meeting all the others I was walking to my first period art hoping unfresh wouldn't be here. Mr. Ink (the art teacher) came in taking role call and speak of the devil of my worst nightmare unfresh came in the class and took his seat. He sat in front while I sat in the far back right where I like it. "Ok class today u will be doing a landscape portrait with partners I will be picking them" Mr. Ink said. The class just groan since they didn't get to pick there partners. Mr. Ink kept saying people name's till- "Y/n and Unfresh". I went paler then a ghost and a fishes stomach. I swore I saw a mischievous glint in Mr. Ink eyes.

Mr. Ink

I decide that the project was going to be in partners cause I wanted to make things a little interesting, after I put everyone with someone they didn't like and I saw to very infamous pairs Y/n and Unfresh I smirk a bit but no one saw it. "Y/n and Unfresh" I say and Y/n goes pale and Unfresh just goes blank. After that the bell ring and everyone rushes out accept Y/n who apparently I had to drag out (T_T ink face XD) cause someone was to LAZY to make her walk. (whistle and speed walk away XD)

Yes this preview is very very short but hey at least u know what's gonna happen :p

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