😎 Jock Unfresh x Reader 🤗

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Request by~ meowUT  (This is probably going to be short as in very short cause my phone is lost when I find it ill edit :3)

Author/third pov.

Y/n was walking out of gym class after a long game of dodgeball and was heading to her locker. Y/n was tired and open her locker to find a red rose in it. She blushed by the rose and put the rose in one of her book unknow to a certain skeleton who was watching her from not to far from where her locker was. 

Unfresh Pov.

She smiled at the rose I put in her locker. I like her a lot as in I may be a yandere that nerd aphlys say when a person love someone so much that they may kill for them for there love or something like that. I watch as my Y/n close her locker and went to her last period of the day. I went to my last period also but sadly we didn't have the same class together. She had music while I had astronomy (Mr. dream class that studies about constellations and stars I think). After this class is over I'm going to confess to the shy bean that I like her and hopefully she will go out with me.

Y/n pov.

I'm sitting in music class waiting for our substitute to plan a lesson cause our music teacher is out sick and couldn't teach today. I play viola and a little bit of piano. I took out my sheet of music with a few other kids and started to play as people watched us.

(this is a audio of me and my class playing P.S imma a viola)


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Ttttiiimmmeee sskkiippppp  )


I'm heading back to my locker but I'm pushed to the ground by BP and PJ the two head jocks of the school. "heh another nerd to beat up" said BP with a smirk on his face. the next thing I new I was thrown to the lockers by PJ and I yelp in pain. "Aww is the nerd going to cry? what a baby" said PJ. I cried for help as hey start to punch and kick on me.

Unfresh pov

I'm heading to my doll locker but my eye socket darken when I see BP and PJ when I see my precious bean and getting beatin'. I growled and kick PJ away from her and pinned BP to a locker. I started to fight against PJ and BP in the end I won and the two ended up in the principle off and the nurse. I ran over to my smol bean and hug her tightly. I can see a blush rise on her face and I smiled a little. "You alright love?" I blushed een more to what I said but I blush darker feeling a kiss on my cheek bone.

Y/n pov

I'm a blushing tomato right now cause my crush is hugging me and just called me his love. I kissed his cheek as a thank you. "i'm a-alright now thank y-you for defending m-me" I said studdering hoping I don't have a nosebleed. "Heh no problem smol bean also I uh wanted to tell you that I like you and that rose was from me and I hope you return the feelings." my eye widen as he blush darker. I hug him and whisper quietly in his ear(?). "I l-like you to unfresh".

Author/third pov. 

So Y/n and unfresh exit the school holdling hands and kissed under a tree

(yup got lazy with the ending but it still cute)

Hope you like this :D bye my kitties and woflies don't forget to request X3 

Unfresh x readerWhere stories live. Discover now