17. Do Atheists Have Rules?

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This is a big question atheists receive a lot. When I say rules, I don't necessarily mean morals. I've read a lot of Christian books here on Wattpad. I haven't commented on all of them though, therefore, if you've written a Christian book and I haven't commented, it doesn't mean I haven't read it.

The reason I mention this is because Christian books are littered with chapters about homosexuality, tattoos and piercings, sex before marriage, pornography, modest clothing, etc. Each chapter is a detailed analysis of what the Bible says about each topic and then the author telling their readers what to do and what not to do.

For example, every chapter on homosexuality I've seen is the same. "We love you all, God loves you all, but what you've chosen is a sin and it's wrong and unnatural." 

Tattoos and piercings: "The Bible says don't, but if you have them, you won't go to Hell, just repent and you'll be fine."

Sex before marriage: "don't do it because God says not to and it's a sin."

Pornography: "Don't because God wants you to wait until you're married and even of you are already married you'll get addicted." 

Modest clothing: "Don't dress too revealing because we dress to reflect Jesus and we shouldn't expose ourselves" (as well as a detailed chapter about what you should and shouldn't wear).

Notice how restrictive all these topics are becoming? How they all start with and include "don't" and are about what God says? I find it funny how Christians preach about how their religion is so free and "it's not a religion, it's a relationship", as well as not being ridden with rules like "all the other religions out there." 

It's ironic because Christianity is just like a lot of the other major religions, it's not much different and it's definitely not a "relationship." I see a hell of a lot of rules and regulations in the Christian Bible, I don't see a lot of freedom there. 

What really makes me frustrated is when Christians make chapters like the ones I stated previously and go on and on about how sinful something is and how God doesn't approve, then proceed to shove a bunch of Bible verses down our throats to convince us. 

With religion, you've got all these restrictions. You have to dress modestly, you can't watch porn, you're not encouraged to get tattoos and piercings, if you're gay everyone will think you decided to be that way and you're treated poorly and in some cases shunned by the church, you're told to not have sex before marriage, the list goes on. Everything is in the name of Jesus, of course. And they say Christianity isn't a "do this do that" religion. 

With atheism, y'all never have to worry about any of that shit. You can watch all the porn you want, you can dress however you please, you can be gay without feeling like you're going to burn in Hell, you can get as many tattoos and piercings you want, you can have as much sex as you want before marriage (if you choose to even get married), and so much more! There are no rules because you are your own individual and you don't have to feel the burden of some God looking down on you and disapproving of everything you do.

In my book, I don't have entire chapters about how you should dress. I don't tell you guys that you shouldn't have sex before marriage, that's your personal decision and I don't have anything to do with that and neither does any god. I don't go on and on about why xyz is so wrong and shouldn't be done. 

As an atheist, I can be who I want and do what I want without worrying about burning in Hell for all eternity after I die. I don't have a shitload of restrictions about silly ass shit like clothes and tattoos.  

That doesn't mean I'm going to go around killing people and stealing shit of course though. Just because I don't have any silly rules like the ones previously stated doesn't mean I get a free pass to break my society's laws. 

As an atheist, I have a wonderful sense of empowerment and individualism. I know that all my accomplishments were of my own perseverance and dedication with no god involved. I can also own up to my mistakes and hardships without blaming them all on the devil. If something awful happens to me and I make it through it fine, I know it was my own strength that saved me. That's something to be proud of. 

Religious people can't seem to understand why atheists are even content with their lives since we apparently have no purpose. I personally believe life indeed has no purpose. No divine purpose at least. We just happened to evolve and we as humanity (no gods involved) grew into what we are today. 

The reason I can live and be happy with myself is because I know I don't need a divine purpose in life. I've decided to live my life to the fullest by helping people, being good, and having fun! Because when I die, I'm dead. That's it. Game over. So I better invest in my life for every moment.

Thanks for reading! Thanks for getting me to 3K reads, that's awesome! Thanks for the feedback as well, I love it! See y'all next time.

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