34. How Religion Poisons Individuality (Part II)

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4. immodesty/clothing choices

Especially on Christian books written by girls on Wattpad, there's always a chapter on modesty. There's a YouTube channel out there called "Girl Defined" that really grinds my gears. It's a channel presented by two young Christian women who I believe are sisters, I'm not entirely sure. 

They speak against a plethora of normal and healthy aspects of life such as dressing like a normal human being, homosexuality, sex before marriage, pornography, etc. 

The biggest takeaway I got from this channel was their militant dress codes. They have extremely strict dress codes for themselves and make many videos on how to remain modest especially in hot weather.

I hate these kinds of ideas. They're sexist in every way, whether you want to admit it or not. The idea behind dressing modestly is to "praise/please God", "not attract male attention", and essentially to avoid being perceived as a "slut". 

Sexist, right? If you think there's nothing wrong with this, rethink and try again. This whole idea of being a "pure" Christian woman by dressing modestly, covering up, not showing too much skin, etc., it's a dangerous and poisonous ideology that can lead to feelings of self-loathing, insecurities, depression, etc. 

As women, we should be able to express sexual freedom and liberation without being looked down upon as inferior, slutty, or dirty. If a woman wants to wear a crop top and booty shorts, let her! The only person who should be policing women's bodies is the woman herself. No one else will be able to take control over my body. My body, my rules. A large part of Christianity seems to think women are owned by society/their religion, which is just bonkers!

I like to express myself through my clothing. If I wear a short, sleeveless dress to the park, I should be able to embrace my beauty and how I feel as a liberated woman without judgement from certain Christians. 

5. piercings/tattoos

The common idea behind this is that your body is a "sacred temple" created by God and therefore should not be "disrespected" by getting piercings or tattoos. 

Your body, your choice. No one should force anyone else to refrain from self-expression, especially parts of Christianity. 

My ultra-conservative Christian grandmother was appalled when I got my ears pierced, even more when I got my nose pierced, and she nearly keeled over when she saw my first tattoo. 

This should NOT be such a taboo topic. YOUR body. YOUR choice. It's that simple. 

6. makeup

I personally don't wear makeup, but I completely respect people who adore makeup and wear it religiously. However, I've heard on numerous occasions how wearing "too much makeup" is not "pure" and should be avoided at all costs in order to be a good Christian girl. 

I've also heard a distinct stigma from many Christians against men who enjoy wearing makeup. It's sexist to separate certain things into male-only or female-only categories. Tuxedos, dresses, makeup, etc., they should all be accepted no matter what gender one identifies. 

7. swearing

This one makes sense to me as to why Christians dislike it. It can be rude, vulgar, and downright inappropriate. However, shaming people who swear or calling them heathens (this has happened before) is not okay. Tossing a swear word in here and there isn't a big fucking deal. However, racial slurs/homophobic slurs are NEVER acceptable. There's a difference between casual swearing and being verbally malicious. 

8. music/movies/tv preferences 

There are many chapters in these Christian books about how listening to certain kinds of music is "bad." Listening to music with cuss words in it, overt sexual lyrics/meanings, anti-God sentiments, etc. 

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