Chapter 1

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Ji Su's POV

After he stumbles out of the room, I throw on a silk robe to cover myself. I grab the money he left on the pillow and notice there's $30 more than needed.

"Good job Ji Su," I tell myself, hiding the money in my bra.

I exit the room and take the elevator down to the first floor. This warehouse is made up of 3 floors--twenty rooms on each floor, I don't know why, since there's only fifteen other girls who "work " here. And even through there's 60 rooms, we only get two--one to sleep and one to get ready in.

The robe reaches mid thigh, so I keep on having to pull it down. I make it into the lobby and walk to the counter. The receptionist allows me behind the desk and I open the door to my boss' office.

"Sir?" I slowly open the door. I've never known my boss' name, even though I've been here since I was 16, which gives me 4years to figure it out.

"Come in..." he grumbles.

When I walk in, my boss is chewing on a used cigarette, reading the paper with his feet up on the desk. Bottles of beer, crumpled up papers, and the occasional piece of lingerie are strewn across the floor.

"Whaddaya want?" He glances up at me. I hand him $10, hoping he believes that what I got for my tip.

He plays with the bill in his hands, "good job. If you keep making tips like these, your debt could be paid in..." his eyes tick around in their sockets.

"Thirty years!" He laughs. All the hope drains from my body in that moment.

"How many have you gotten today?"

"Four." I respond.

"And it's a slow know what? I'm feeling generous. You can have a two hour break. And for the next two months, if you bring in money like this, you can have that every day. Now leave, I don't want to see you until you have more tips for me!"

I nod in excitement, "thank you so much sir-"

"Leave!" He yells.

I scurry out of his office and go to the elevator once more. I make it to the basement and go to the two rooms that belong to me and the girls'. No one is in the dressing room so I throw on a pair of jeans, a tank top, and a sweater over top since it's a bit chilly. We only have heels, so I zip up a pair of booties, grab a purse for show, and head out. Once I'm three blocks away, I take out the twenty dollars and walk into the market.

My stomach rumbles loudly at the smell of food since I haven't eaten in two days, but I'm used to it. I see a soup stand and get in line. Soon enough, I am left with soup and noodles and ten dollars. After eating, I walk around looking for something to get for the girls. I see a box of candy bars and choose to buy those.

I pay, and with no money left, decide to go to the park. I walk out of the market and begin strolling to the park with a bag in my hand. I walk by a boutique with beautiful dresses in the window. I admire the gems covering the fabric, but then, the door swings open and knocks me to the ground.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" I hear a man say. My vision clears, and I see a gorgeous man with a black mask covering half his face.

Know My Name (EXO's Chen Fanfiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now