Chapter 5

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Ji Su's POV

I grabbed Jongdae's hand and snuck him to the basement level. My boss cannot find him here. Once downstairs, I usher him into the bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

"What is this?" He asks looking around. Blankets are strewn across the floor, with only four pillows around.

"This is the sleeping room." I explain. I sit him down on the bed.

"You all share one room? How many of you are there?" He asks.

"Sixteen now..." I think of Mi Lin, and I wonder where she is.

"Sixteen?!" He gasps, but I cover his mouth.

"Wait here." I say, then rush out of the room. My stomach churns, thinking that the girls couldn't protect Mi Lin. That she, a child, had to go through the horrors that I've been through. I open the door to the dressing room and look around frantically. I can't find her anywhere.

"Mi Lin? It's me, it's Ji Su!" I call out. She's not in here. I go back to the sleeping room.

"Is everything alright?" Jongdae asks.

"No, I'm trying to find Mi Lin p. I can't even imagine what might have happened to-" I then see something peek out from under the bed.

"Ji Su?" I hear her small voice ask. As soon as she climbs out from under the bed, I wrap her into my arms.

"Never scare me like that again!" I say.

"A Ra told me to come and hide in here..." she mutters in my ear. I nod my head.

I turn to Jongdae, "this is Mi Lin. Mi Lin this is Jongdae." He turns his face into a beautiful smile, and gets on his knees to get down to her level.

"Hi Mi Lin," Jongdae says.

She mutters a small hi. I send her off to a corner in the room that the girls out together for her. It has a cute little blanket and plushies.

"How old is she?" I look at his face. Tears have begun to form in his eyes.

"12," I sigh, feeling a lump form in my throat, "she just came last week."

"12..." he mutters, a single tear dropping from his eye, "has she...?"

"No, we've been trying our best, taking her place. But we won't be able to for long." I explain.

"She's so young." He says.

After a while, girls come and go, one by one. I introduce each of them to Jongdae. They seem to like him. It's getting late, and I can tell he's exhausted.

"Jongdae, you should leave." I tell him. Just as he's about to answer, Mi Na walks in the room.

"Ji Su, you're needed in room 13." She mutters, lowering her head. I nod. I begin to walk to the door but Jongdae grabs my wrist.

"No. I won't let you." He says firmly.

"Jongdae, I have to." I retort.

"No! You can't! I don't want anyone to hurt you!"

I turn and see Mi Na walk out.

"Jongdae. I'm sorry. If I don't, I will be killed."

"Please..." he begs, holding on to my hand.

"I have to. You wouldn't understand." I tell him.

He looks at me with desperation in his eyes, and pulls me into a hug. His arms wrap around me, and I feel him place his lips on top of my head. I have never had this kind of affection. But, I hug him back.

"Just know, Ji Su, that I love you. And nothing can change that." He speaks into my hair.

I let go and walk out of the room.

Chen's Thoughts

I need to stop this. This shouldn't be happening to girls like these. They are so innocent. Mostly Mi Lin. I have to get them out of here. I need to go to the police.

Know My Name (EXO's Chen Fanfiction) COMPLETEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant