Chapter 3

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Ji Su's POV

A/n time skip because I'm lazy, and want to keep this moving! :)

The next week I spend everyday with Jongdae on my two hour break. It was nice to get away from the pain of the warehouse. My mood seemed to lighten up as well, and I am able to give my extra money to the girls, since Jongdae always had some kind of food on our dates. My body doesn't ache as much, and I don't have constant headaches.

After one week from meeting him, I am called into my boss' office.

He knows, I think. I walk into his office, hoping he'll show some mercy.

I clear my thrust to get his attention, he looks up from the papers on his desk.

"Finally. Took your ass long enough to get here."

I hide my still swollen foot behind my other leg, thankfully it's starting to get better.

"What did you need sir?" I mutter, hanging my head, not wanting to look him in the eye.

"We have a newcomer, I'd like you to show her around. Girl! Come in here!" He yells. The door creaks open, and I turn too see a small girl standing in the doorway. My eyes widen. He arms are like twigs, and she looks like she can't be over 14.

"Sir...are you crazy?! She can't be here! She just a child! She-" I hold my tongue. He stand from his desk slowly, eyes narrowing on me.

"You will do as I say. Nothing that you say will matter." He grabs my throats with one hand, trapping me against the wall. All the air escapes my mouth, and I fail to bring any air back in. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the little girl trembling.

"You are worthless. It seems you've forgotten the rules around here." He squeezes my throat harder, the stench of his breath fill my nostrils.

"Don't speak without permission...or you will never speak again." I feel my face turning blue, when he lets go and grabs my tongue, making a gesture to cut it off.

"Now go! I don't want to see you again without money in your hands!" He pushes all of the papers off his desk. I grab the girl and usher her out of the room. Once outside, I touch my throat, feeling for any serious injury. It will definitely be bruised, but I'm fine for now.

I give a small, reassuring smile to the small girl.

"What's your name?" I ask sweetly.

"Mi Lin." She whispers.

"Com'on Mi Lin, I'll show you around and introduce you to the other girls."

I tour her the sleeping and dressing rooms. She meets almost everyone, and within twenty minutes she is called upstairs. I decide to go with her, unsure of what would happen.

"You're in room 26." The receptionist tells Mi Lin. Before she's about to walk, I place my arm in front of her.

"No. She won't do this." I say sternly.

"Ji Su. He's paid. She has to go to room 26."

"No! Please. She's just a child!" I can feel tears forming in my eyes.

"What do you think I can do about that? Mr. Jung is waiting...."

My eyes widen at the name. Mr. Jung comes in often, drunk. He's abusive and harsh ever since his wife left him.

"I'll go." I tell her.

"No you can't he asked-"

"He's drunk. He won't know the difference. I'll go." I grab Mi Lin by the shoulders. "Go back downstairs and stay with your sisters. Okay?" I try and muster up a smile.

She nods her head and goes downstairs. I make my way to the second floor, robe still wrapped around me. I knock on the 26th floor, my heart breaking to think what would've happened to Mi Lin. The door is unlocked and I slip inside, dropping the robe to the floor with a fake smile.

The sand is between my toes, I swish it around, thinking of Mi Lin. Jongdae is beside me, silent. I make sure my hair is around my profile, so he doesn't see the bruise on my neck from yesterday. The breeze is light, and the waves crash upon the shore with heavy swooshing sounds. It's all so calming, which gives me anxiety. How can people live like this, and not think about how others live? Do they even know that a girl of 14 is getting raped for money to give to others, hoping for a meal every three days?

"What're you thinking about?" I hear Jongdae ask beside me.

"Uh...nothing." I lie--something I've become very good at.

"You're really distant today, you have to be thinking about something." He smirks. I stay silent as he turns his body to face my side.

"That's okay, we all have secrets."

I shake my head,"you have no idea."

"Maybe I do. I'll tell you my story. You've heard almost everything about me..."

I turn to him, making sure my hair hides my neck.

"My parents divorced when I was younger. I was left with my dad...he wasn't the best influence. I tried to stay on the right path, but I eventually dropped out of school. I worked three jobs to make sure I could get a decent meal once in a while, and to give my dad a drink every night. That was the only reason he didn't abuse me."

Somehow, he kept himself together at the beginning of the story.

"You know, I felt more like a man than him. Until he started verbally abusing me. That's when I couldn't take it anymore and tried to take my life. My best friend found me, took me to the hospital and I got another chance. I was found by SM Entertainment, and I never looked back." He can tell he has a lump in his throat. I can't believe he just poured out his heart to me. I want to do it too, but, what would he think.

"And now I have you. The most beautiful girl I've ever known."

I laugh at the word beautiful, "and that's all I have going for me." My eyes move to his, his facial expression is stern.

"You have no idea how amazing you are, do you? How amazing you are to me?" He tucks the hair behind my ear to expose my face. But it exposes something else.

His eyes widen at the purplish bruise and he slightly lifts my chin. "Ji Su, what's this from?" His eyes are full of concern.

"I'd rather not talk about it," I say, looking away.

"I just told you everything about me. No borders. Ji Su, I don't want anyone to hurt you, please tell me what's wrong."

He wipes a stray tear from my face with his thumb.

"Please, Jongdae, you wouldn't understand." I can see that he's beginning to cry too.

I stand from the sand, "please just...take me home."

He drives home with a frown on his face, and when I get out of the car, I mutter a, "sorry." I begin walking down the street, wiping tears from my cheeks. L

A/n: The whole story about Chen is made up! Not real, I repeat NOT REAL

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