Chapter 6

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Chen's POV

After Ji Su left the room, I walk out of the building and back to my car. If what she says is true, I wouldn't want her boss finding me there.

I drive back to the dorm, walk in and throw my coat in the front closet. I walk through the living room, ignoring everyone and walk into my shared room. Xiumin is in there, reading something while laying on his bed.

I slam the door and sit on my bed, trying to think that what just happened was a terrible dream...but I don't wake up.

"What's up with you?" I hear Xiumin say.

I give him a sideways glance, hoping he doesn't notice the one tear that is glazing the edge of my eye. He closes his book and makes his way over next to me.

"Jongdae, what's wrong?" His voice is sincere, and his eyes are full of concern.

I look up at him, hoping that he can read my thoughts, because I don't know if I would be able to say them out loud. He keeps on staring at me until I finally open my mouth.

"I had no idea anything like this was going on..." my voice cracks, and I grab the pillow behind me to hide my face.

"That what's going on?" He places a hand on my leg.

"Minseok, I didn't know. She doesn't deserve this! And I can't do anything to help her!" The words spill out of my mouth, like an unrelenting waterfall,

"Jongdae, what are you talking about? Is it the girl you've been seeing?"

I nod my head, "I can't help her..." I whisper at last.

"Help her what? I don't understand, Jongdae." He moves beside me, placing an arm around my sobbing shoulders. I slowly begun to tell him about what happened today. How I found out Ji Su was a prostitute, and her being forced to do so.

"That's inhumane. Who would do such a thing? How could someone sell their daughter like that?" His face was puzzled.

"And it's not just her. There's 16 other girls there against their will. Including a twelve year old...a twelve year old!" I shiver just thinking about it.

"Are you serious?" His eyes look enraged, and I can't read his thoughts, "is there any way you can get them out of there? Have you gone to the police?"

"No," I realize, "I haven't even thought of that." His eyes brighten with hope, along with mine.

"Let's go then, we can go down to the station and you can tell them everything! They've got to be able to do something..." Xiumin ushers me out of the room. We pass everyone in the living room and give small goodbyes.

On our way to the station, I feel anxious.

What if her boss finds out I told the police and punishes her for it? What if they take her away, or worse...

My thoughts are cut short by Xiumin announcing that we made it. The building is dull--made of grey bricks, and a single sign saying, "Seoul Police Station."

(A/n-I don't know if that's what they call their police system, or if you can just ask to talk to the chief, but I'm tired.)

We walk in together, and ask the receptionist to speak with the chief. After waiting twenty minutes, we are placed in a small room with a table and chairs. A dark glass window is on one side of the wall, probably for a surveillance room.

A tall man walks in, looking in his early 40s, and sits down across from us. His uniform is decorated with medals and gadgets, with a nametag reading, Officer Cho. His dark hair is cut short, with eyes that sink into his forehead. His lips protrude from under his large nose, and are curved into a frown. He sighs, folding his hands on top of the table.

With a deep, scratchy voice he asks, "you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yes sir. We would like to report a...uh...brothel. Located on Dasan-Ro 16-gil. Girls are being kept their against their will. And to my knowledge, prostitution is illegal..." I tell him.

"I see, we will definitely be looking into this. It's very hard to take down these guys, you know. The police force has been trying for years to end it completely, but it is very difficult. We will try our best." He says monotone.

"That's it?" I complain, "that's all your me going to say? Do you even care? You are such a-" Minseok covers my mouth pulling me out of the seat.

"Thank you for your time. We will be going now." The officer nods, and he drags me out of the room, all the way out the building.

When we get in the car, I yell at him, "why did you do that?!"

"Because you were about to get yourself arrested! Now put on your seatbelt, we can talk more about this over dinner. I don't know about you but I'm starving..."

We go to a small restaurant and order our food. As we eat the noodles, I tell him in detail what the place was like.

"And they only have two rooms. Only one to sleep in...and they are almost never fed. Ji Su said the only way she got food was because she snuck some of the tips. Can you believe it? These girls are slowly dying, and nobody even knew about it." We finish our meals and make out way out of the restaurant.

"Can you show me where it's at?" He asks.

"Yes, but we need to stay at a distance." I explain.

We drive down to the street, it's beginning to get dark, and the street lights have begun to come on. We park under a light about 30 feet away from the entrance. Minseok's eyes are locked on the disgusting building, hiding its true identity by a grimy entryway.

"The police will be on this soon, they'll take this place do..." as soon as he said that, a car pulled up at then entrance and dropped someone off. I squint my eyes, and pray that it's just too dark to see who it really is. But under the street light, everything is clear, and I know Minseok sees it too, because he is silent, a grim expression on his face.

So this is what Officer Cho does after hours.

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