Chapter 7

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(A/n) this is Mi Lin everyone!!

Ji Su's POV

After the man finally got up and left, I lie still in the bed, not wanting to get up. Everything seems to weigh on my shoulders, and with each breath, a little bit more is added to the top. Everything is sore. The man was drunk and rough, grabbing and pulling at my hair. I can feel my scalp bleeding in a few sections. He must've pulled out a few chunks of hair.

I slowly get up, looking around for a tip, but there isn't one. I limp downstairs, trying to rub around my skull, feeling for spots of blood. I enter the bedroom and find almost all the girls sitting in there. Except Mi Lin.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"Getting ready..." Jessie says from the corner. She's slouched beside the rest of the girls, looking sickly thin. Her pale skin almost matched her hair color, and her lips protrude from her face.

"What do you mean? I'll go right now," I begin to walk out, but Ji Hee grabs my wrist.

"Someone is coming to fetch her. We can't do anything about it."

"No." I mumble. I can feel the tears rise in my throat. I hear a small creak from the bathroom door, and turn to see Mi Lin standing in the doorway, covered only by a small, silk robe.

"Ji Su...we can't protect her forever." Ha Na frowns.

"But she's too young! She shouldn't have to do this!"

"None of us should have to do this!" Eun Ha yells back. I close my mouth at what she's implying.

She continues, "I know. I love her too. But they won't allow any other way. The boss knows."

My eyes widen, "knows what?"

"Knows. That we've been taking her spot. And he is not pleased." Ju Yeon mumbles from the center of the bed.

I lower my head, letting blood stained pieces of hair fall into my face. I hear our door open, as all the girls scurry to the other side of the room, trying to get as far away from whoever just walked in as possible. I turn and see two men walk in. They spot Mi Lin, grab her arms and begin to drag her out of the room.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I sprint to her aid and claw to grasp any part of her. I grab her waist, trying to pull her away.

"Let go! You damn whore!" He spats at me. But I don't let go. They begin to drag me with her.

The whole time, Mi Lin is screaming my name, "Ji Su! Ji Su! Please don't let them take me!"

My throat is raw from yelling, "Stop! Let her go!"

The men seem to get annoyed and kick me off of her with one lethal foot. I feel my insides turn over, and watch from the ground. Mi Lin's crying face is dragged away, and as soon as she leaves, the boss walks in. His feet stop at me. Everything is a blur as he grabs my arm and drags me upstairs.

I am thrown into his stingy office, hitting a filing cabinet that lines the wall. I feel my stomach churn, hoping I don't upchuck anything.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" The boss screams as he slams the door behind him. He grabs me again, pushing me into the side of his desk, kicking my back into a straight position.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He grabs me by the hair, turning my head to face him. His eyes are full of anger, and I can see the steam coming out of his ears.

He shakes his head, tightening the grip on my hair, I yelp in pain.

"I should kill you right now. But somebody talked to the police about a brothel suspicion. And I sure as hell don't want a murder piled onto this dirt. Now talk." He grinds his teeth.

"I don't know what you're talking about-" as soon as I speak, his hand has already left a stinging mark on my face.

"Who went to the police?!" He growls.

"I don't know-" he throws me to the ground once again.

"How can you not know?!" He screams at me. He lights a cigarette, inhaling the thick smoke into his lungs.

"Get up!" He yells at me. I scramble to my feet, despite the agonizing pain in every part of my body. I can feel tear marks all over my face, and try to wipe away the new ones.

He gets close, his body towering over mine, taking in another puff of smoke. He lets it out in my face, and I try to hold in my coughs, my lungs begging for air. He takes his cigarette from his mouth, examining the lit end. It's slightly orange on the sides, the fire eating away the edges. I lift my chin up, hoping to show a bit of confidence.

"You're worthless..." he grumbles. He grabs the back of my neck, holding me in place as he jabs the burning end of the cigarette onto my collarbone.

I scream out in pain. He smiles at my agony and pushes it on harder, letting it burn deep into my skin. He pulls it away and then examines the scar. I can feel my skin crisp in the cool air. It stings even though the heat is away, and I see him smirk at me. He throws away the cigarette and takes his thumb, pressing it into the exact spot.

I clench my jaw, trying to hold in the pain. I don't want him to get satisfaction from my torment. I place my hands on the edge of his desk behind me, digging my nails into the wood. His eyes are locked on mine, and I keep his gaze, hoping he doesn't see past my fake bravery. After a while he lets go, and pushes me to the doorway, making me fall to the ground.

"If you won't talk'll talk later."

I pick myself up and scramble out of the room, catching a glimpse of a usual--Officer Cho--coming out of the elevator, looking satisfied with himself.

I can't hold it in any longer. I shuffle over the the despicable man, spitting in his face.

"I hope you feel satisfied that you took an innocent twelve year old, and made her into an object," I growl, putting my finger in his face. I can tell by his eyes that he is obviously drunk and won't remember any of this.

"You are a sick human being! I don't know how you live with yourself!" As I'm about to strangle his throat, the two men from earlier grab my sides and start to pull me downstairs.

"You're awful! A monster! How could you do something like this!"

But all he does is watch with a sinister grin as I'm pulled away.

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