Chapter 11

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I slowly woke up and I was still cuddling with Jake, I blushed so much, I could have been mistaken for a tomato.

Jake slowly woke up and I pretended to sleep. He chuckled and he kissed my cheek.

It felt like fireworks just blew up in my belly and my eyes shot open. "Oh your awake" he said with a nervous chuckle.

I lightly slapped his arm and I giggled. I squirmed out of his arms, almost completely forgetting about what happened yesterday.

"Come back here" he said playfully and he reached for me. I moved and I laughed, running away from the couch and I hid in my room. I locked it and I felt in try to knock it down.

"COME ON OHIO BOYS, LETS KNOCK EM DOWN!" Jake shouted and Anthony, Chance, and him went to tackle the door. I opened it and they ran right in and I laughed. I ran out of the Team 10 house and down the sidewalk.

"WE HAVE OURSELVES A RUNNER!" Jake exclaimed and he ran out after me. Obviously Anthony and Chance followed.

I giggled and I ran even faster. Jake was catching up but I was still faster. "Youll never catch me!" I boasted and other ran faster than I ever did.

Jake smirked "oh yah, think again!" He exclaimed and Chance and Anthony shoved him to help him run faster. Jake caught up to me and he grabbed my waist, twirling me around.

I blushed and I laughed "Hey let go" I said

Jake smiled and he bent down, capturing my lips with his. My eyes widened and I hesitated before kissing back.

Chance and Anthony high fived 

Jake slowly pulled away. "Y/n...umm...I know we've only known each other for a bit but...Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked quietly

I blushed even more and I immediately nodded. "Yes" she whispered.

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