Chapter 12

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(A few months later) Y/NS POV!

I was sitting on the couch and it was sort of dark in the living room and I was watched a scary movie. I heard something move behind me and I completely froze in fear. I slowly peeked over the couch and then my eyes went wide. Some random person was walking around in the Team 10 house and I was the only person home. 

I quickly sunk into the shadows and now held a bat in hand, readying it in my hands just in case. I accidently kicked something and then the person whipped around. A gun in hand. I froze and the guy slowly walked over to my hiding place. as soon as he saw my I whacked him in the wrong spot.

The person fell to the ground and Jake came into the house. I cried and i ran into his arms quickly. His eyes widened and he held me close and called the police

Jake Paul x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now