Chapter 8 - Caves

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   Hey cupcakes! Finally updating this story, hope this chapter lives up to your expectations! Enjoy!

     One thing that the students began to notice, was that Professor Oswin was often late to things, or early to leave. She would come in ten minutes late to breakfast, and not eat a thing, or would leave before dinner had finished, not to be seen again that night. The other professors who had known Oswin before seemed to know exactly where she was going, but others seemed extremely confused. It wasn't until a special Care of Magical Creatures lesson, which included all houses in Harry's year (the rest of the school would be informed later), that they learned why.

    The fifth year students trudged down to Hagrid's hut, Malfoy grumbling all the way, wondering what could be so interesting. Hagrid greeted them, asking them all to be sure they could hear him before he began to explain. He was extremely excited which, coming from him in particular, was very worrying. Hagrid had a taste for extremely dangerous creatures, as referenced by both the Hippogriffs (though you had to provoke them for anything to happen) and the blast-ended skrewts. The only time Harry had seen him this excited, was when Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback had been about to hatch in his hut.

    "Right, you lot. We've got a real treat for today." Hagrid began, causing a few groans. "Now don't be like tha', we've got someone who handles this creature regularly, so she knows wha's gonna happen. In fact, if it weren't for 'er, we wouldn't be able to 'av this lesson. The creature we're about ta see, is one of my personal favorites. A dragon." The class instantly began to protest, and the trio exchanged glances. The last time a dragon had been at Hogwarts, the thing had nearly set the hut on fire, and then had to be smuggled to Romania because there were strict rules about ownership in England. Plus, the fully grown ones in the Tournament had been nasty. How had Hagrid even managed to get one onto the grounds? Hermione looked about to ask, when Malfoy spoke up.

  "A dragon? Are you actually serious? Who could you possibly have gotten to deal with that safely? If it goes nuts, my father will-"  he was cut off by another voice. A female one that came from behind the group and caused them all to turns around.

   "Not to worry, Mr. Malfoy. Your father won't need to hear about anything. You've got Hagrid, and you've got me to deal with anything." Malfoy turned to look at her, incredulously.

   "You know about dragons?" She nodded.

   "Yes. Especially this one."

   "And why is that?" Strangely, he seemed to show more respect and curiosity in this question to her than to any other professor.

   "She happens, to be mine, at least in a manner of speaking." They all stared at her in shock, at least most did anyway. The trio remembered a mention of the dragon in question, but no further details about it had been given. Without giving them time to ask any questions, Hagrid spoke up again.

   "Right them. Oswin, you'd better lead the way. I 'aven't got a clue where she's gone off to this time." Oswin nodded, and they began to walk up into the hills that went around the back of the forbidden forest, Hagrid giving them tips and things about handling this type of dragon, asking Oswin to take over when he wasn't sure how much more he knew.

   "This specific breed is more intelligent than the average dragon. They can form strong bonds with humans, and some even bond for life. Many can even form proper words and have a conversation. Each one also has their own personality. For instance, the one you are about to meet is quite the drama queen, and has been known to be startled by a door opening, as well as a rabbit. However, they are also quite proud when it comes down to their species, so please don't insult her in any way, even in an off-handed way." That last remark was directed towards Malfoy, and Harry realized that someone must have told her about what happened with Buckbeak. Malfoy may have gone through the proper procedure to greet him, but saying he was ugly had set the creature off.

  Finally, they reached a cave that, when they entered, glowed with the light of multiple luminescent crystals. A feeling of calm seemed to wash over them, and it was nice to feel some relief from the stress of school. It was a good thing there was a line following Oswin, because she soon vanished from sight. They followed behind the Hufflepuff students, and soon came into a large, cavernous opening, which was taller than the biggest building they had ever seen. Oswin motioned for them to wait a moment, and any who tried to follow her, seemed to be trapped in place.

   From a corner, a burst of flame came from two points, illuminating a golden-scaled face. The face of a dragon, at least as high up as the ceiling of the Great Hall. As the flames caught a torch that hung on the wall, the creature moved, and the light glinted off of golden scales that moved with a sort of hissing noise. It seemed, almost, that the beast had shown examples of all four houses. The golden scales, the red and blue fire, and the hissing armor that dragged across the ground. Instead of backing away as the dragon curled its head and body around her, tightening the loop, Oswin smiled, and stood still. When the dragon closed the loop around the human, it looked like she was hugging her, only reinforced by the gently embrace Oswin had around the creature's snout. They had never seen anyone get so close to a dragon, and not be nearly burned to a crisp.

   After a moment, the dragon uncurled herself, and Oswin turned to the class, gesturing for Hagrid to move forward first. He did so, seemingly both surprised at the invitation (as well as something else none of the students yet knew), and awed at the creature before him. The dragon dipped her head again, almost as if in greeting, and nuzzled Hagrid's large hand, held out under Oswin's direction. It looked like the poor man was about to cry, as Oswin once again turned to the class, speaking out loud.

  "Everyone, this is Laelynn. Laelynn, meet the fifth year students at Hogwarts." To the surprise of the class, the dragon dipped we head again, and another voice rang out in their heads.

     It's nice to meet you. If your last name is Potter, Weasley, Granger, Longbottom, or Lovegood, get yourselves over here!

   Those whose names had been called, moved tentatively forward, while the others tried to process what was happening. Laelynn then drew them all into a large group hug, surrounding them with her head and neck before pulling away, seeming to shrug her shoulders slightly in answer to their silent question.

    I knew your families when Oswin brought me with her to Hogwarts.

   Malfoy now spoke up.

   "Wait, it thought you said she could talk." Laelynn poked her head up, eyes zeroing in on the boy.

   I do talk! What were you expecting? I can't talk like you do, our faces work differently! Honestly, read a book on dragons every now and then.

   Another voice chided the dragon, but it seemed to also be inside their heads.

   Now, Laelynn. You know there aren't many books written properly about your species.

    Laelynn huffed, and it seemed that it had been Oswin who spoke, simply by her reaction.

    Well, he could have at least asked questions. Or at least used common sense! It's not like I look all that different from other dragons!

   She put her head down on her front legs, seeming almost to pout for a moment before peeking up again as the students were brought forward to meet her. Malfoy even apologized for his question, honestly not having meant to offend her.

   For the rest of the year, if any student was stressed, they would go to the cave, and sometimes sit with Laelynn, an ever-willing listener, to vent about their frustrations. This went so well, that it was decided that Laelynn would stay at the castle when she wished, and the cave was always open to students when it was needed. The school year, surprisingly, ended on a good not for once.

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