Chapter 3

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"Holy shit Lauren you look fucking awesome" her dad yelled when he saw her, "I mean, nice tattoos honey."

"Whoa, that's a lot of ink....did it hurt" her mom said.

"Nah not really, the one on my back hurt like a bitch though" Lauren said. Her parents act like my dad.

"Y/n you did this" her dad asked.

"I suggested it and she went with it, you should see Ally" I said and he looked at me shocked.

"You got Ally to join you all" he asked.

"Yeah, I mean she willingly did it all like it was some sort of life goal" I said chuckling.

"I wish I could've seen her parents reaction" her mom said laughing.

"Oh you can" I said smirking and pulling the video up on my phone handing it to them.


"Mom Ally n Normani are moving in, thanks" I yelled walking up to my room with the girls following.

"You never ask her shit you just be telling her" Zendaya said laughing.

"I love mom cause she gave birth to me, but that lady really made my life fucking hell" I said sighing.

"So Y/n you said you had a kid...where they at" Dinah asked.

"You told her" Zendaya asked with wide eyes.

"Not the whole thing" I said sighing.

"Are you ready to talk about it" she asked rubbing my back.

"In all But I want to be with them one day so they need to know everything" I said tearing up just thinking about my past.

"Let me know if you need me to take over and tell them for you" she said hugging me.

"Okay so I had just turned 13 a few days before..."

Flash back

"Guess who's here" my mom yelled.

"Beyoncé" I asked.

"No me" my uncle said coming into the house.

"Uncle Fernando" I yelled jumping into his arms. Fernando isn't my real uncle, he grew up with my mom in Cuba.

"you've grown to be so beautiful princesa" he said putting me down and looking at me a little too long for my liking.

"She has, the other day she yelled out Mami I have an ass now" my mom said making me roll my eyes. She always gotta embarrass me.

"For the record I don't call you mami I call you Catalina or ma" I said walking away to spend time with my big brother and little sister.

"Talking about you again" Odell asked.

"As always" I said rolling my eyes.

"Okay kids me and your mom are heading out, Fernando will be watching you" my dad said.

"But I wanna go with you pops" I said hugging his waist.

"I'll take you somewhere special tomorrow kiddo" he said bending down and kissing my forehead.

"Okay, see you later daddio" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"She you later Britbrat" he said sticking his tongue out at me and walking out with mom.

"I'm going to bed" I said walking down the hall to my room. About 5 minutes later somebody came in while I was changing. I thought it was Z cause we have this no knocking thing that we do. "Z can you pass me my big shirt, I don't feel like wearing anything else. It's hot as hell and I'm not tryna sweat my ass off" I said.

"I like you like this princesa" he said making me jump and look at him crazy.

"Fuck are you doing Cabrón" I yelled trying to cover myself.

"Shh, it's okay" he said walking over and caressing my cheek. There was no point in screaming because we have thick walls in this shit ass house. Plus OBJ and Z were watching a movie with the surround sound on.

"Can you do me a favor and back the fuck up" I said pushing his hand off my face and trying to walk around him. He grabbed my hand and pinned me against the wall.

"You're gonna do as I say or I'll have to hurt your pretty little sister okay" he said unzipping his pants. Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I nodded my head. I'm doing this for Z, I would've fought my way out as hard as I could but he said he'd do something to my baby and I couldn't let that happen.

End of flash back

"The next day I told my dad everything and all hell broke loose. Nando is in jail, my mom claims I forced myself on him, I ended up pregnant, but me and my dad just got closer and closer" I said wiping away my tears. "I kept the baby because I felt that it wasn't the child's fault their father is fucked up. My mom wasn't happy with my decision and took them away from me. She said if I ever say anything about being the child's parent she'd hurt them" I sad crying even harder.

"It's Okay baby" Zendaya said hugging me tight and calming me down.

"That child is Alyssa, I am Alyssa's mother" I said making them all look at me with sad eyes.

"You're My mommy" Alyssa asked bursting into my room.

"Alyssa Bianca Williams what have I told you about sitting and listening to conversations that don't concern you" I said giving her the look.

"I'm sorry but I wanted to say hi and I heard you say you were my mommy" Alyssa said walking over to me and sitting on the floor by me. She brought her tiny hand up to my face and wiped away my tears.

"I'm sorry baby, I wish I could've told you" I said sighing and kissing her head.

"Why you lie" she asked sitting in my lap and resting her head on my chest.

"Cause Catalina is evil mi amor" I answered rubbing her back.

"Her mean to me, I call her grumpy old troll" she said making us all chuckle.

"You have to be nice to grandma okay" I said.

"No thanks" she said getting up and rushing out of my room coming back with my dad.

"She knows" he asked looking at me with fear in his eyes.

"Yes and we need to get out of here" I said sighing.

"We can always go to my house, my parents are super cool and we have a lot of space" Lauren said.

"Same here" Dinah said.

"Britbrat I need you Alyssa and Ree pack your things, I'll tell your mom I kicked you all out or something" he said.

"Wouldn't she be upset" Ally asked.

"No it was my choice to keep my 2 girls, she wanted to abort them" he answered.

"So why does she act like she cares" Dinah asked.

"It's all a show for Alyssa and any form of company" I said grabbing my big duffle and stuffing clothes into it. "Alyssa do mommy a favor and put your clothes in a bag and grab Dizzy."

"Okay mommy" Alyssa said skipping out my room and down the hall to hers.

"Pops help her so she can move fast, you know my baby likes to take her sweet ass time" I said chuckling.

"I got you squirt" he said kissing my head and skipping like Alyssa making us all burst out laughing. No matter the situation my dad can always get a laugh out of me.

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