Chapter Two - Gabriel

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"Oy, what the f*ck are you doing to your hair?"

Practically falling off of my seat out of surprise, I hurry to turn to the voice. Moving to quickly, I bump my elbow on the corner of the arm rest and a pain shoots through to my hand.

"Oh, sh*t. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you so f*cking bad."

Grasping my arm to my chest, I turn the rest of the way to look at my surprise assailant.

Crystal blue eyes are staring at me, full of worry. I'm pretty certain I could get lost in them if I stared long enough. As he takes a step closer two blond locks of hair fall loose from the light green headband on top his head, framing his face. The rays of light from the setting sun catches on the bright orange stud in his left ear. Checking to see if he has more, I see he has a matching one in his right, but three black hoops are pierced at the top. The orange studs match his loud tank top. I'd never seen someone who could pull off such an obnoxious shade of orange, but he just wouldn't be right without it. He's pretty slim, based on the definition of his collar bones, but his arms show strength. Finally, I notice the colors of what looks like chalk going up his left arm, and I can't help but wonder what he was doing.

Returning to his eyes he gives me a little smirk, knowing I just checked him out and I blush. There's still a little bit of worry on his face as he reaches me and begins to grab for my arm to look over my arm. As I flinch a little at the movement his eyes darken a bit and his eyebrows pinch together for a frown.

"Oy, what the h*ll was that reaction for? I'm not going to f*cking hurt you!" he tells me while grabbing my arm.

"But I don't even know you," I say bringing my finger of my other hand to my lip. "You just yelled out about my hair a second ago. I'm still not sure what to think of you..." now mumbling though the finger.

Chuckling he turns my arm over to look back near my elbow. "Sh*t, ouch. You hit it f*cking hard. It's probably going to leave a d*mn bruise. I'm so f*cking sorry, really."

"It's ok," I say pulling my arm out of his grip and waving him off. "I've had worse." My eyes begin to widen at what I just let slip.

"Sh*t!" he says, jumping to his feet. "What the h*ll do you mean you've had f*cking worse?"

"Um, just that I'm accident prone?" having it come out more as a question than a statement. "You were yelling about my hair earlier. What was that about?" I ask, trying to turn the conversation back to safer things.

He gives me a look that tells me he knows what I'm doing, but he doesn't press the issue. His focus quickly jumps to my hair and a scowl takes form. "Your hair's f*cking gorgeous and you've put it in a f*cking clip! That's what the d*mn yelling was about."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I reach up to touch the clip in my hair. A blush begins across my cheeks as I realize he called my hair gorgeous. "It's just dirty blonde," I say, pouting my lip a little, "nothing special about that."

"Sh*t, put that lip away. It's f*cking trouble." he says using a finger to push it back in. "And like h*ll it isn't special. It's not just f*cking blonde. There red and brown and like fifty f*cking shades of blonde. Definitely chameleon. Please tell me it's not dyed."

Shaking my head, I begin blushing even darker at the way he describes my hair. I watch as he goes to reach for the clip. As my hair tumbles down around my face his crystal eyes grow a shade darker before lighting up with happiness.

"D*mn! Definitely better down." He grins, turns around and begins walking away from me. "I'm keeping this." he yells over his shoulder, waving the clip in the air.

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