Chapter Sixteen - The Diner

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The engine of North's bike rumbles behind me as I soak in Brandon's warmth. His arms are wrapped around me and motor oil and pine fills my nose once more.

"Don't worry, Mini. I'll see you again soon." He rubs a small circle on my back before squeezing me tighter. "I need to take you on a ride, so no disappearing on me, okay?"

I nod into his chest making my hair slide out of the new braid North had done. "I won't, I promise." I pull away and look up into his sad blue eyes. "I think I'm going to miss you more than I should for only knowing you for the afternoon."

Brandon chuckles and releases an arm from around me to rub my hair, knocking the the headband around. I squeak and squirm out of his reach. "Mickey, stop!" With another laugh we part as I step closer to North, our hands hanging on until it's just our fingertips touching. "See you later Brandon. I'll call you as soon as I can." I say, breaking contact with the final step next to the motorcycle.

He nods as he watches North help me onto the seat behind him. I settle into the seat and take the spare helmet from North. After sliding it onto my head I tug on the buckle, but can't seem to get it to tighten. I look up to find Brandon struggling to hide a smile.

Narrowing my eyes, I pout and cross my arms over my chest. "Are you just going to laugh at me, or can you help me make sure I'm protected."

North's back starts shaking in front of me but I ignore him as Brandon's smile finally cracks and he starts laughing at me. North's hand rubs my thigh as he turns in his seat. "Don't worry, Baby." He starts as Brandon finally stops laughing to help be buckle the helmet. "We'll make sure you're always protected."

Brandon snorts but doesn't say anything as he tightens the strap. I watch his eyes as he makes sure I'm safe, but a warm breath fans my face and I glance down at his lips to find them slightly parted. His hands leave the buckle and I feel his fingertips trail down to the back of my neck. I look back up to his eyes and my breath catches when I notice how close he is.

"Goodbye Sang. I'll see you soon." He whispers before pulling me closer and placing a kiss on my cheek. I blush as he pulls away and bring a finger to my lips. He quickly reaches up and pulls it away. "Don't. You have a beautiful smile. And you look good with a blush."

I giggle and duck my head as my cheeks flush even darker. "Thank you." I whisper, not really sure how to take the compliment. "Goodbye Brandon."

He nods and pats North on the shoulder before stepping away. I give him a large grin as the bike lurches backwards, making me press my head into North.

North pauses as he shifts to drive forward and I loosen one of my arms around North's waist to wave at Brandon. The motorcycle moves again and I return my arm to its place. Brandon waves back and I grin as we leave the parking lot.

"Are you ready to see Uncle?" North yells over his shoulder as we pick up speed, the wind carrying his deep voice back to me.

I nod my head against his back since I'm not sure my voice will reach him. He lets go of the handles with one arm and squeezes my arm in reply. North removes his hand to steer and I listen to the rush of wind and occasional car pass by.

I didn't believe him when he first told me Uncle was actually his real uncle because honestly they look nothing alike. It also doesn't help that Uncle tells everyone to call him Uncle. It's a little hard to tell who is and isn't related to him.

North explained that his stepbrother was raised by Uncle and when he came to the states he took North in too. Brandon chuckled at the mention of his brother, but neither of them would elaborate on what was so funny. Although the words sugar addict and sneaky bastard were mentioned. I gave up after the third question and figured I'd meet him eventually if I visited Uncle again.

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