The memory of Betrayal

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In the top of Mt.Coronet stood a 19 year old man taking a short brake from training ; this guy has been threw a lot of pain caused by his once considered "family"; although not all of his friends betrayed him ; some stood up by his side ; and he would always be thankful for that .

This man's name is Ash Ketchum one of Arceus chosen ones, but now known as Black Satoshi to the outside world, and known as Ashton to his real familly and friends; he has been hiding from the outside world for about 5 years, and only a handful of people knew that he was still alive along with his real identity, for the rest of the world he was dead, and it had been that way ever since that fatefull day that he returned to his home Pallet Town  from his 6th lost at the Kalos league where he ended up in second place, because he lost at a very close and inpredictable battle against his rival/friend Alain and his mega charizard x.

Now he stands on a part of Mt.Coronet whatching the sunrise, and remembering all the events that have happened during this five years , the new people that he met, the new pokemom, his real self, and that day.

"I still don't get why they turned their backs at me", Ash said in a so faint voice that could bearly be heard.

(So this is my first ever story hope you liked the intruduction i will try to complete the next chapter as fast as i can because there is so many ideas i want to put in this story. See ya~)

The return of a Champeon after betrayalWhere stories live. Discover now