Memory of betreyal~part 5

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~Last Chapter~

Arceus:Then it's settled we will be the gift for the chosen one, now let's see how are Chosen one is doing.(activates the mirror pool in the middle of the room)

~End of last chapter events~

To say that the legendaries were were mad with when they saw "the friends" of the chosen one betraying him, and telling him to give up his dream would be an understament , they were enraged it took them all their will to not go down there and kill them all!!( Arceus, and other two needed a lot of calming breathes to not make them dust.)

They would of done so but , that would of been abuse of their power and their job is to maintain balance.

Manaphy: Why would MAMA do that to papa? I don't like mama no more she hurt papa badly!

Mesprit: I thougth I had made a good choice making a connection with Dawn . I guess feelings can change with time.

Uxie: I feel so tricked!!

??:Calm down Uxie.

Squishy: Bonnie how could you!! I trusted you!!

Z2: That goes to show humans cant be trusted!!... Well most.

??  and ???: thanks

???: Father we need to go help him!! Isn't there something we could do??!!

Arceus: I feel your rage my children, but for now we need to see what will his choice be, and what is going to happen next.

Tappu koko: Me and the other Tapus may not know this kid personally yet, but with all the nice things and; stories you've told us about him, I can tell he doesn't deserve this, we will help him as well.

Arceus: Thanks.

??/???: thanks brother.

Tapus: Anything for our siblings and leaders.

~Back to Pallet town~

Ash was running at full speed to Professors Oak lab . He knew his "friends" would not be knocked out for long so he had to hurry .
He was also hoping that oak was still on his side otherwise this would not be easy.
He still couln't belive he was betrayed by "his friends" , although now that he thought about it not all of them were there , like Max wasn't there with May, or Gary, or Tracy, perhaps they still belived in him.

~Ash's point of view~

I finally got to Professors Oak's lab after a good 10 minute run, I knocked on the door, after a minute it was opened by professor Oak.

Oak: Hello Ash you are finally back from Kalos!! I am so glad to see you, you to pikachu!

Pikachu:Pika Pikachu Pika. ( Wich we could say the same.)

(Sad)Ash: Hi proffesor.

Oak: Is everything alrigth Ash? really.

Oak : Come on in you two and tell me all about it.

When we walked in , professor Oak leaded as to the living room . When we walked in I didn't expect to see Max, Gary, Tracy , Paul , Sawyer and, Alain.

The return of a Champeon after betrayalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن