Memory of betrayal ~ part 7

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Gary: I knew Misty and Brock were in it, but I didn't know about the others.... Serena...... Is she the same one that you met at that summer camp when we were children?

Ash: Yeah...,( Ash said while holding pikachu that had fallen asleep by all the commotion.)

Gary:So much for old friends..

Ash: yeah..

Proffesor Oak: I hate to interrupt this silence but, Ash, what are you gonna do now?

Ash: I really don't  know my mother disowned me, I think my best bet is to run away for awhile..

~Professor's oak mind~
If only you knew, and I could tell you.

Gary: You could allways stay with gramps and I.

Ash: I don't want to put you in any danger plus, it would be obvious after sometime, my mother allways comes around here.

Alain: what about me and my uncle Sycamore?

Ash: The kalos traitors live there, and 2 of them live in the same town that the proffesor's lab is in, it wouldn't take long till we crossed paths.

Ash: maybe the Orange islands could work.

(Suddenly the proffesor had gotten out of the room for a few minutes and than came back as quick as had gone out )

Proffesor: Guys I want you to have these.
(he was hading out some watch thingies to them)

(Ash looked at what the proffesor had given to him and then asked what they were)

They are x- dexes , my latest colaboration  invention, it is a pokedex that can scan any pokemom that belongs to any region in the whole world, givinf you their moves, gender, abilities, etc including ancient ones. It also works as a map, voice recoder, phone, camara, video camera, you can search information on it, it is a trade and pokeball transfering machine, and it will let you carry as many pokemom as you want!, but thats is a feture that I added to these only.
All you have to do is put the pokeball in front of the screen and i will make it into a code and put it inside the device.
You just pur it around your wrist and adjust it so it fits you, it will also take a small sample of blood so it can only work when you are wearing it.
It would normally would only be handed put to real important and trustworthy people. But you fit in that category perfectly.

Ash: wooww!! Thanks a lot proffesor this will sure come in handy!

Paul: why are you giving them to us, and not only ash?

Proffesor: because i know that some of you will want to follow ash, and because i know you all  will need all of it's functions, and considere it as a thanks gift for supporting him.

All of them: Thanks a lot proffesor!

Proffesor: Don't mention it, now Ash go call your pokemon and start putting them in there, who knows when those traitors will be arriving.

Ash: Yes sir!
( He walked to the back of the lab, and went outside  to go find his pokemon )

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