The memory of bretrayal ~ 8

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( After Ash finished rounding up all of his pokemon, he told them about the current events , they weren't to happy with certain people , and Ash , with the help of some of his other pokemon , had to hold some back from going killing the traitors , but after sometime he was able to calm them down and put them all in their respective pokeballs , into his  x - dex , except piKachu of course .
Ash was really surprised that it could really hold all of his pokemon inside such small space , but didn't questioned any further he didn't have time for that , the traitors could there any time soon .)

~Inside the ketchum residence~

Inside the ketchum household certain people had finally woken up , and they weren't to happy of finding out in what conditions they were in .

Dawn : agghh what happened?
Clemont : we got knocked out?
Brock: Ash used one of his pokemon, and runed away!
Misty : That little shit! Everyone wake up !!
Cilan: agggg it hurts..
Serena: oww my ears ...... where's Ash ?!
Misty: He escaped you idiots!! Lets go after him!
Drew: where could he be anyway?
Brock : I know where he could be the professors lab , he must've gone get his pokemon.
Dawn : Then what are waiting for , let's go i will make him pay for what he did to my hair!.!
Misty: Lets go get that idiot we still have some problems to solve with him!!
Delia : I will stay here and try to clean up , it could raise suspicion from the proffesor.
May: ok then lets go !
Everybody ( except someone): yes!
Clemont: let's go Bonnie
Bonnie: I dont want to , I didn't want to do this in the first place, you guys forced me into these!
Clemont: Dont forget what can happen to dedenai Bonnie, I can also persuade father to not let you go on your juerney .
Misty: Hey! What are you waiting for let's go!
Clemont : Going!
Bonnie : agg( with no other choice she followed )

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