The memory of betrayal ~ part 2

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~5 Years ago~

(For the sakes of the story during Ashes juerney in Kalos He and greninja were able to destroy the core of the vines so greninja is still with Ash )

Ash our hero was walking to Pallet town along with his faithful/best friend picachu on his shoulder. Ash and picachu were excited to see Ash's mom, the profesor, and all of their pokemon friends again it had been so long, and they also couldn't wait to show them them all new members of their family....
little did they know that things were not going to go as planed.

After a good 25 minute walk Ash and picachu had finally reach the door of Ash's house .

Not being able contain his excitement anymore he runed in yelling ,
"Mom we are back from our juerney!", and as if teleporting Delia came out of nowhere and gave her son a big bear crushing hug saying ,"oh my baby is back home, I've missed you so much!", she said along with a few tears running down her face , and after a few moments letting go of her son and removing the tears of her face with her hand.

"I've missed you a lot to mom",Ash said slowly regaining his breath back from the massive hug .
( picachu had jumped of Ash's shoulder so he wouldn't get crushed like his trainer did, he just said a small "picachu pi" to Delia , wich she responded with a smile , and returning her attention to her son.)

"I am glad to hear that sweetie , now their is something me and your friends need to talk to you about something", Delia said while holding her son's wrist while pulling him into the livingroom.

Ash was confused as to what they needed to talk to him about; and that his friends were here in the first place ; but nonetheless he followed his mother into the livingroom; and sure enough all of his traveling companions , and friends were there ; Brock ; Misty ; Dawn ; May ; Clemont ; Bonnie ; Cilan ; Iris ; Drew and Serena they were either standing against the wall or seating down in a couch.

But their were two things that were making him very confused ;
The first one being the looks of hate that all of them were giving him once he entered the room; and the second one being that Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena were here when he thought that they were back in Kalos in their homes.

"Hey guys,what do you need to talk about" Ash said quite shyly while  taking a seat at a chair, and picachu jumping onto his lap ," Clemont , Serena , Bonnie , what are you doing here?, I thought you all were back in kalos", asked quite confused.

"That doesn't matter!!",the 3 kalos natives said in unison. Ash looked really surprised at the tone that they were using ; one that he was not used to hearing at all from them,they sounded like they hated him.

Thats when ash realized that something was wrong...something was really wrong with this coversation his friends wanted to have.

As if reding his memory his mom stood up from her seat and walked to ash and said; "Ash I think I speak for everyone here when I say that you should give up on your dream of becoming a pokemon master, you just dont have what it takes!"

"Whattt??!!!!"ash yelled.

( And i leave this here till bext time~)

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