[Chapter: 13]

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Chapter 13\\ "poking "

[Maddie's P.O.V]
It was about 9:30 and I was on the sofa eating pizza rolls waiting on Jacob to get home so I could ask him to hang out tomorrow.

I was gonna ask to go out to the mall then back home to watch movies and what not like my friends suggested.

I think he was out with Maggie.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, that's probably him.

I leap up to answer the door.

It was parents surprisingly.

"Hey guys what are you doing here? I thought you would be home on Monday?" I ask hugging them as they come in.

"We are but we're free for the night so we could come see you." My Mom says.

"Yeah, we leave in the morning though." My Dad adds.

"Great, can we go out to eat I'm starving." I reply.

"Sure where too?" My Mom asks.

"How about Olive Garden? we all haven't been there in a while." My Dad offers.

"Yeah, sounds good just let me go grab my shoes." I was wearing a Hollister tee & leggings btw.

I throw on my white converse and grab my phone and head back downstairs.

"Let's go." I tell them as we leave.
"I'll have the steak and potatoes please." My Dad orders.

"And I would like a chicken salad please, with mild cheese."

"And what would you like sweetie?" The kind waitress asks, as she jots things down on her note pad.

"May I have spaghetti with garlic bread please." I say as she simply nods and writes it down.

"I'll be right back with your meals." She says, as she walks off.

"So Madi, how's school been going for you so far ?" My Dad asks.

"Great, my grades are pretty good and I haven't been in any drama." I say, taking a sip of my sprite that the waitress had served me earlier.

"That great honey." He replies.

"And how about living with the Sartorius', are they a nag to you?" My Mom chimes in.

"I mean in the beginning I didn't want Jacob living with us, but then I guess I seemed to adjust to it. He's cool now. And his parents are really nice." I say truthfully.

"Well it's good that two are getting along." My Mom smiles.

A little too well.

A couple of minutes later the waitress returns with our food and we begin to eat.

We talk and chat a little bit more about life until we were done.

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